[Abstract]:Proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) is one of the most commercialized fuel cells. It has the characteristics of high energy conversion efficiency, environment friendly, sustainable power supply, low noise and easy to use and flexible. On the road to commercialize large-scale production, proton exchange membrane fuel cell is also faced with high cost and poor stability of two. In order to solve these problems, a series of exploration has been made to improve the utilization of Pt and enhance the stability of the catalyst. Polyamine and polyaniline are a kind of conductive polymers which can decompose the NC structure of graphene like structure at high temperature. This work is to produce this NC junction on the surface of the catalyst. On the one hand, the protective layer of platinum nanoparticles is formed by the NC structure, which makes the Pt/C catalyst have better stability. On the other hand, the structure of the NC is affected by the microstructure of the Pt nanoparticles, the surface state and so on, in order to improve the catalytic activity of the catalyst. First, the polydopamine is coated on the surface of the Pt/C catalyst and roasted at high temperature. By decomposing it at high temperature, the porous structure of NC is coated on the surface of the Pt/C catalyst. In this process, the Na Cl recrystallization solidification method is used to reduce the formation of the quaternary ammonium nitrogen in the 3D structure by using the limiting effect of Na Cl, and the Pt/C @NC catalyst coated with the structure layer of the graphene NC is finally obtained. The electrochemical test shows that the preparation of Pt/C@NC catalysis is shown. Compared with 20% commercialized Pt/C catalyst, the electrochemical activity surface area is increased by 13.7%, the half wave potential is moving 39m V, the mass ratio is 3.6 times and 3 times that of the commercial Pt/C catalyst with the specific surface activity and the specific surface activity, respectively. The accelerated aging test results show that the electrochemical activity of the prepared Pt/C@NC catalyst after 2000 cycles of volt ampere test The surface area was reduced by 15.43%, which was better than the 42.51%. of commercialized Pt/C catalyst. The Pt/C catalyst was adsorbed on the Fe3+ ion, then a polyaniline layer was coated, then the 800oC was calcined under the protection of Si O2. The Si O2 layer was removed by the Na OH solution etching, and the Pt catalyst was obtained. The cyclic voltammetry curve shows that the prepared Pt Fe@NC catalyst cyclic voltammetry curve shows the characteristics of the super large double layer, indicating that it has good conductivity. It can be seen from the linear scanning curve that the starting potential of the prepared Pt Fe@NC catalyst is more than commercial P. The t/C catalyst is 48m V ahead of time, and the half wave potential is moving forward 18m V, and the mass ratio is 0.96 times of the commercial Pt/C catalyst. In the accelerated aging test, the curve is almost unchanged after 1000 ring cyclic voltammetry, showing good stability, the linear sweep curve half wave potential negative shift 16m V, and the fresh commercialized Pt/C. The catalyst is equal, but the limit current becomes larger.
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