发布时间:2018-08-28 08:48
【摘要】:针对电镀污泥加碱、石灰焙烧灰渣水浸过程铝浸出率较低的问题,在分析电镀废水处理工艺的基础上,根据污泥中铝、铬、锌、铜等金属的存在相态以及焚烧过程所发生的化学反应,拟采用低浓度氢氧化钠溶液先选择性浸出污泥中的铝。研究了稀氢氧化钠溶液浸出铝的工艺条件,结果表明,电镀污泥用2 mol·L~(-1)氢氧化钠在90℃浸出60 min,铝的浸出率可达95%以上,而铬、锌和铜等金属则大部分进入浸出渣,基本上达到铝与其他金属的初步分离的目的。研究结果为混合电镀污泥中铝的回收以及铝及其他金属的选择性分步分离工艺流程的选择提供理论与技术支持。
[Abstract]:In order to solve the problem of low aluminum leaching rate in the process of alkali addition and lime roasting ash leaching in electroplating sludge, on the basis of analysis of electroplating wastewater treatment process, according to aluminum, chromium and zinc in sludge, In the presence of copper and other metals and the chemical reaction in incineration process, aluminum in sludge was first selectively leached in low concentration sodium hydroxide solution. The technological conditions of aluminum leaching in dilute sodium hydroxide solution were studied. The results showed that the leaching rate of aluminum from electroplating sludge with 2 mol L ~ (-1) sodium hydroxide at 90 鈩,
[Abstract]:In order to solve the problem of low aluminum leaching rate in the process of alkali addition and lime roasting ash leaching in electroplating sludge, on the basis of analysis of electroplating wastewater treatment process, according to aluminum, chromium and zinc in sludge, In the presence of copper and other metals and the chemical reaction in incineration process, aluminum in sludge was first selectively leached in low concentration sodium hydroxide solution. The technological conditions of aluminum leaching in dilute sodium hydroxide solution were studied. The results showed that the leaching rate of aluminum from electroplating sludge with 2 mol L ~ (-1) sodium hydroxide at 90 鈩,