[Abstract]:As a kind of multiphase composite material, concrete is widely used in engineering construction. Because of its inherent defects and the effect of external factors, concrete cracks widely exist in building structures, especially in service mass concrete structures. The development of cracks under long-term load is directly related to the safety of engineering structures. Therefore, it is of great practical significance and engineering value to study the development mechanism of cracks under long term load and its influence on the structure itself. At present, the research on the time-invariant fracture of concrete has made a lot of achievements, and a variety of concrete fracture theory has been put forward. However, due to the complexity of the test, there are few researches on the time-varying fracture process of concrete at home and abroad. Taking L 脳 D 脳 B=515mm 脳 1OOmm 脳 100mm standard three-point bending beam specimen as experimental object, the time-varying fracture process of concrete under long-term load is studied by combining experimental and theoretical analysis. The main work and conclusions are as follows: 1. The normal time-invariant fracture test of concrete was carried out. The maximum load value Pmax and the fracture parameter of concrete are obtained by continuous loading to the fracture of the specimen. The time-varying fracture test of concrete was carried out. The concrete is subjected to a constant load of 0.7Pmax-0.75Pmax-0.8Pmax-0.85Pmax-0.95Pmax, and the experimental data of time-varying crack opening displacement (CMOD (t) of concrete under different load levels are obtained. Based on the virtual fracture model, the time-varying fracture test data are calculated and analyzed. The fitting formula of time-varying crack tip displacement CTOD (t), time-varying equivalent crack length a (t), time-varying stress intensity factor (K (t) for concrete under long term loads with different load levels is obtained and its development rule .4 is summarized. The concept and calculation method of time-varying fracture toughness (KIcun (P) of concrete are presented. According to the variation rule of the opening rate CMOR (t) of the time-varying crack opening of concrete, the extreme point is solved by the CMOR (t). The critical time of time-varying fracture of concrete is determined from stable stage to unstable stage tc, is used to calculate the parameters related to time-varying fracture of concrete and a time-varying double-K fracture model of concrete is proposed. The judgment criteria are as follows: KIcini, the crack does not start to crack, the crack begins to grow stably, the KIiniKIcun (P), fracture is in the stable growth stage, and the crack begins to unsteady propagation. The KIcun (P), fracture is in the unstable propagation stage. 5. The influence of load level P/Pmax on the time-varying fracture of concrete is analyzed. The results show that with the increase of load level, the life of concrete and the parameters of time-varying fracture decrease gradually. The relationship between the time-varying critical fracture parameters and the time-invariant critical fracture parameters of concrete is established. Through calculation and analysis, the fitting formula of time-varying KR resistance curve KR (t) for time-varying cohesion toughness Kc (t), of concrete is obtained. The criterion of judging the resistance curve of time-varying KR is put forward. The K (t) / KR (t), fracture begins to unsteady and the K (t) KR (t), fracture is at the stage of unstable propagation. The results show that the time-varying double-K fracture model and the time-varying KR resistance curve model are the same in principle.
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