[Abstract]:The variation of tensile strength and bond anchoring property of steel fiber ceramsite concrete with the content of steel fiber and the diameter of steel bar are studied. The results show that the axial tensile strength of ceramsite concrete increases with the increase of the volume ratio of steel fiber. The formula for calculating the variation of axial tensile strength with the volume ratio of steel fiber is obtained by fitting the experimental data. The bond strength of ceramsite concrete increases first and then decreases with the increase of steel bar diameter, and the peak slip decreases gradually. When the diameter of steel bar is 18 mm, the bond strength is the highest. The bond strength increases with the increase of the volume ratio of steel fiber, and the peak slip increases gradually, and the formula of ultimate bond strength based on the axial tensile strength and the volume ratio of steel fiber is established by using the least square method. Based on the ultimate bond strength formula, the anchoring length formula of steel fiber ceramsite concrete is derived, and the anchoring length of steel fiber ceramsite concrete can be designed according to GB 50010-2010.
【作者单位】: 中机中联工程有限公司;
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