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发布时间:2018-10-18 13:18
【摘要】:当前,对于冶金、矿山、建材、化工、水力等工业部门,物料的破碎正占据越来越重要的地位。物料的破碎作为一种工艺过程,每年有大量的原料和再利用的废料都需要进行粉碎处理。随着贫矿增多、建筑材料需求量不断增加、工业对于再生材料的使用比例愈来愈大,加之能源短缺,急需不断改善破碎作业。就圆锥破碎机而言,提高其工作的效率,实现“多碎少磨”成为我们研究的重点。通过对圆锥破碎机动锥系统的力学分析和研究,能够实现改进其工作性能和延长寿命的目的。本文主要是通过有限元软件Ansys Workbench对圆锥破碎机的动锥系统(主要包括主轴、动锥体跟动锥衬板)进行了非线性力学研究。首先,根据圆锥破碎机的工作特点,并结合相关文献,总结出圆锥破碎机工作时在极限位置处的挤压破碎力延水平圆周面和垂直方向的函数关系,建立起综合层压破碎理论和圆锥破碎机极限位置工作特点的挤压破碎力数学表达式,为后面的有限元分析打下基础;其次,利用Solidworks软件建立动锥系统的实体模型,并将已建立的实体模型导入Ansys Workbench软件,对其加以修改简化。再对转子体的动锥衬板、动锥体及主轴定义接触后对其进行非线性力学分析,得出相应的应变图像及其应力场,为结构的优化提供参考依据;最后,为了防止在圆锥破碎机在工作过程中引起动锥系统发生共振现象,本文利用Ansys-Workbench软件对动锥系统及其部件进行了前十阶的模态分析,得出了其各阶振动频率和最大位移,并与圆锥破碎机的工作频率比较,得出了不会产生共振的结论。又通过对动锥衬板的模态谐响应研究,得出其工作激振受力与频率的关系。通过对圆锥破碎机的破碎系统的有限元分析、模态分析及其谐响应分析,为圆锥破碎机的结构改进和完善提供了理论依据,具有很强的实用价值。
[Abstract]:At present, for metallurgical, mining, building materials, chemical, hydraulic and other industrial sectors, material crushing is playing a more and more important role. The crushing of materials as a technological process, every year, there are a large number of raw materials and recycled waste materials need to be comminuted. With the increase of lean ore and the increasing demand for building materials, the proportion of recycled materials used by industry is increasing, and the energy shortage makes it urgent to improve the crushing operation. As far as cone crusher is concerned, improving its working efficiency and realizing "more crushing and less grinding" has become the focus of our research. Through the mechanical analysis and study of the moving cone system of the cone crusher, the purpose of improving its working performance and prolonging its life can be achieved. In this paper, the nonlinear mechanics of the moving cone system of the cone crusher (including the spindle, the moving cone and the moving cone liner) is studied by the finite element software Ansys Workbench. First of all, according to the working characteristics of cone crusher and combined with related literature, the function relationship between horizontal circumference and vertical direction of extrusion crushing force at the limit position of cone crusher is summarized. The mathematical expression of crushing force is established which integrates laminated crushing theory and working characteristics of limit position of cone crusher, which lays the foundation for the finite element analysis. Secondly, the solid model of moving cone system is established by using Solidworks software. The established entity model is imported into Ansys Workbench software and modified and simplified. Finally, the nonlinear mechanical analysis of the dynamic cone lining plate, the moving cone body and the spindle is carried out, and the corresponding strain image and its stress field are obtained, which provides a reference for the optimization of the structure. In order to avoid the resonance of the moving cone system in the working process of the cone crusher, the first ten order modal analysis of the moving cone system and its components are carried out by using Ansys-Workbench software, and the vibration frequency and the maximum displacement of each order are obtained. Compared with the working frequency of conical crusher, the conclusion of no resonance is obtained. By studying the modal harmonic response of the moving cone liner, the relationship between the working excitation force and the frequency is obtained. Through the finite element analysis, modal analysis and harmonic response analysis of the cone crusher, this paper provides a theoretical basis for the improvement and perfection of the structure of the cone crusher, which is of great practical value.


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