[Abstract]:In recent years, with the continuous development of science and technology and the continuous progress of industry, hard and brittle materials are widely used in various industries, especially in communications, aerospace, optical instruments and other high-tech fields. The hard brittle material is of high hardness and high brittleness, which belongs to the low fracture toughness material and is difficult to be processed, so it is difficult for the traditional grinding wheel grinding technology to meet its technical requirements. However, some existing grinding and polishing methods for hard and brittle materials are difficult to realize the machining of curved surface parts. In this paper, a magnetic abrasive finishing method is proposed, which is flexible. The self-adaptive magnetic abrasive can finish the inner surface of quartz glass tube. The main work of this paper is as follows: (1) taking a single magnetic abrasive as the research object, the magnetic field retention force in the magnetic field, the force of the magnetic abrasive particles on the workpiece surface and the force acting on the workpiece during the processing are studied and analyzed. The removal mode of hard brittle material and the mechanism of brittle plastic transformation are expounded. The removal mechanism of magnetic abrasive finishing of hard brittle material is studied and analyzed. The analysis shows that the removal process of hard and brittle materials processed by magnetic abrasive finishing is removed by plasticity. Brittle plastic mixed removal (transverse crack does not extend to the surface of the material) and brittle removal (transverse crack has been extended to the surface of the material) is composed of three ways. (2) the quartz glass end face is used as the processing object of diamond non-consolidated magnetic abrasive, The final Ra,Rz values of the machined surface roughness are 0.016 渭 m and 0.12 渭 m, respectively. The feasibility of magnetic abrasive finishing for quartz glass is verified. The effects of spindle speed, machining clearance, initial state and processing time on the surface roughness of the workpiece are studied and analyzed, and the optimum process parameters are obtained. (3) according to the inner surface of the quartz glass tube, the built-in magnetic pole is designed. The combined form of magnetic pole, the number of combined magnetic poles and the slot size of magnetic pole are simulated by ANSYS Maxwell software. Finally, it is determined that the magnetic pole head is composed of 10 N45 NdFeB type magnetic poles. The outer diameter, inner diameter, center angle and height of each tile magnetic pole are 35mm, 20mm, 36oand 40mm, respectively. (4) four factors and three levels orthogonal experiment were designed to study the effects of spindle speed, machining clearance, iron powder mesh number and abrasive particle size on surface roughness of quartz glass tube. The results show that the optimal level combination scheme is that the particle size is 2.5 渭 m, the spindle speed is 960r / min, the machining clearance is 1mm and the mesh number of iron powder is 200 mesh, and the combination is verified by experiments. In this paper, the feasibility of magnetic abrasive finishing on the inner surface of quartz glass tube is verified by theoretical analysis and experimental study. It is of great significance to solve the problem of surface finishing of hard and brittle materials.
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