[Abstract]:Photogenic charge separation and charge transport are the most important factors affecting the efficiency of photocatalytic reaction, especially for the oxygen-producing half-reaction of photocatalytic water cracking, which requires a complicated four-electron process. Inhibition of photocharge recombination is a key factor to improve the efficiency of catalytic oxygen production. The ordered aggregation structure formed by the spontaneous assembly of 蟺 -conjugated molecules can effectively capture photons and improve the efficiency of photo-generated charge transport. In this paper, the effect of porphyrin molecular aggregation structure on the photocharge separation process of photocatalytic water oxidation reaction was studied. Carboxyl substituted porphyrin molecules were designed and synthesized. Molecular aggregation structure and porphyrin / cerium oxide supported composite nanostructure were constructed. The light of molecular aggregation structure and composite nanostructure were studied by spectroscopic and electrochemical methods, respectively. Electrochemical properties, photocharge separation process and photocatalytic water oxidation properties are used to explore and develop the application of 蟺 -co-molecular aggregation structure in the field of photoenergy conversion. It also provides useful ideas for improving the visible light utilization of oxide semiconductors, suppressing charge recombination, and improving the catalytic stability through the loading of molecular aggregation structure. It also provides a simple and feasible method for the preparation of complex organic-inorganic hybrid nanostructures. The main contents of this paper are as follows: 1: 1. Electrochemical and photocatalytic properties of porphyrin-aggregates. The J- type aggregation structure of 5 ~ (10) C ~ (15) C _ (15) -tetra (4-carboxyphenyl) porphyrin (H _ 2TCPP) has been synthesized and prepared. The red shift of absorption spectra of the aggregates is helpful to improve the utilization ratio of visible light. The photo-driven electrochemical water oxidation of porphyrin aggregates was investigated. The J- aggregation structure is advantageous to the long range transport of photoexcited electrons, which is beneficial to the enrichment of electric charge on the surface of the aggregate structure, which is the electrocatalytic oxygen-producing activity. Under the action of light, the oxidation overpotential was reduced effectively and the photocatalytic oxygen-producing activity was higher, while the stability of photocatalytic oxygen production was maintained under strong acid condition. The problem of deactivation of most transition metal compound semiconductors in acidic or even neutral environment was overcome. 2. Preparation of CeO2-H2TCPP nanocomposites and study of their photocatalytic oxygen production properties. CEO _ 2-H _ 2TCPP organic-inorganic nanocomposite catalyst was prepared by doping H _ 2TCPP with different mass ratios into hollow cerium oxide. The basic structure and properties of the composite nanostructures were studied by means of various spectroscopic methods, electrochemical and electron microscopy. Under certain conditions, the H _ 2TCPP molecule binds to the surface of cerium oxide or enters the cavity of cerium oxide in the form of J-aggregates. The presence of the porphyrin molecule J-aggregates makes the absorption spectra of the composite nanostructures red shift, which is helpful to improve the efficiency of visible light excitation. The content of porphyrin molecules has a significant effect on the specific surface area, oxygen vacancy concentration, photocurrent and photocatalytic oxygen production rate of the composite nanomaterials. When the molecular weight content of porphyrin is 0.5, the specific surface area of the composite nanostructure is 42.354 m2 g -1, the oxygen vacancy concentration is 27.28%, and the photocurrent and photoexcited oxygen production rate can reach 46.38 渭 mol / g. The stimulated radiative transition of porphyrin J-aggregates under visible light results in the injection of excited electrons into the cerium oxide conduction band, which effectively inhibits the photogenerated electron-hole composites, and improves the oxygen-producing efficiency and stability of the composites.
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