[Abstract]:Fuel cell is an efficient and environmentally friendly power generation device, which has a broad application prospect in distributed power generation, electric vehicles and other fields. However, the large amount of Pt-based oxygen reduction (ORR) catalyst and the high cost have seriously restricted the commercialization of fuel cells. Therefore, the research and development of high efficiency and low cost ORR catalysts is of great significance. Due to their high ORR activity and relatively low price, PD based catalysts are considered to be the most potential metal-based ORR catalysts to replace Pt based catalysts. In this paper, carbon nanotube supported PdFe alloy catalysts (PdFe/CNT), superlattice PdFe/CNT and Pt rich PdFePt/CNT catalysts were designed and prepared. The effects of the composition and structure of the catalysts on the properties of ORR were investigated. The main conclusions are as follows: firstly, PdFe/CNT alloy catalysts were prepared by NaBH4 assisted ethylene glycol reduction co-deposition. The effects of pH value of the preparation system and PD / Fe ratio on the morphology and crystal structure of the catalyst were studied. The results show that the formation of Fe and PD alloy in a proper proportion produces electronic and geometric effects and promotes the improvement of ORR activity. The prepared PD _ (75) Fe _ (25) / CNT catalyst has the best ORR catalytic activity, high methanol resistance and electrochemical stability. The half-wave potential in acidic and alkaline media increases by 8 MV and 14 MV, respectively. In order to further improve the activity of ORR, L10 type superlattice PdFe/CNT catalyst was prepared by heat treatment to induce the structure of Pd50Fe50/CNT catalyst to adjust the alloy structure. The results show that the ORR half-wave potential of PdFe / CNT catalyst increases by 4.6-fold (0.81Vvs.RHE) after superlattice structure transformation. In addition, the superlattice PdFe/CNT catalyst exhibits excellent methanol resistance and is a highly selective ORR catalyst. Finally, Pt rich PdFePt/CNT ternary catalysts were prepared by surface-atomic substitution of PD _ (75) Fe _ (25) / CNT catalyst. The results show that the Pt loading capacity of the prepared catalyst is only 7.05 wt. but the activity and stability of ORR are superior to those of commercial 20Pt / C, the initial potential and half-wave potential in acidic medium are 0.948 V and 0.861 V, respectively, which are 9 MV and 20 MV higher than commercial Pt/C. On the other hand, the electronic charge transfer and strain effect between PdFeN Pt modified the electronic structure of surface Pt atoms, which improved the adsorption intensity of Pt-0 in the ORR process. Thus, the ORR reaction was accelerated.
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