[Abstract]:Since Bard's team reported the electrochemiluminescence (ECL) of Si quantum dots (QDs), the ECL research of QDs has attracted much attention. Up to now, more and more QDs have been proved to have good ECL properties. Therefore, by adjusting the composition, structure and dispersion of QDs, luminescent reagents with high luminescent intensity and stable luminescent performance were synthesized, and then a variety of new solid-state ECL sensors with high sensitivity and stability were further constructed. However, for the majority of researchers, the preparation of QDs and its application in ECL still have a certain degree. The challenge lies in the following two aspects: (1) Compared with ruthenium tripyridine ([Ru(bpy)3]2+), luminol and other traditional ECL luminescent materials, the ECL of QDs is relatively weak, which is not conducive to the construction of highly sensitive ECL sensors; (2) At present, QDs with ECL properties are mainly concentrated in toxic heavy metal cadmium series. In this paper, the synthesis of QDs-based ECL is particularly important. The main research contents are as follows: (1) the application of shell-core structure CdSe@ZnS QDs solid-state ECL is studied in detail; (2) hydrothermal synthesis of new QDs with ECL properties. Based on the doping element method, we synthesized a novel Eu3+ doped CdSe QDs. Based on the above research background, we constructed a new solid-state ECL sensor with high sensitivity and good stability. In addition, we synthesized and studied cesium lead. The optical properties of CsPbBr3NCs are expected to be used as potential ECL luminescent materials. The main contents of this paper are summarized as follows: 1. Multi-band CdSe@ZnS QDs solid-state electrochemiluminescence with different particle sizes and core-filling structures synthesized by simple oil-phase method CdSe@ZnS QDs.First, a certain amount of CdSe@ZnSQDs was dried directly onto the surface of glass carbon electrode (GCE) and then dried in air to form a film. Then CdSe@ZnS QDs modified electrode CdSe@ZnS/GCE was obtained. The ECL behavior of CdSe@ZnS QDs cathode was studied using K2S208 as a co-reactant. In this chapter, the scale-based QDs were first realized. ECL behavior of multicolor semiconductor nanocrystals regulated by inch effect. This will provide a new way to construct stable and multicolor ECL luminescence. It is hopeful to be applied to simultaneous analysis and detection of multicomponent ECL. 2. Quantitative detection of CdSe@ZnS QDs in core-shell by electrochemiluminescence based on polydopamine modified gold nanoparticles quenched titanium dioxide Based on the enhanced ECL effect of titanium dioxide (TiO2) and the quenching effect of gold nanoparticles (Au@PDA NPs) modified by polydopamine (PDA), we successfully constructed a dual-signal amplified ECL immunosensor based on core-shell CdSe@ZnS QDs, and then realized the hypersensitive detection of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA). Selection of larger core-shell QDs depends on higher electron and energy transfer efficiencies of larger QDs, thus exhibiting a high magnification effect. Then, we constructed Ab1-Au@PDA NPs-Ab2 sandwich structure through CEA. Finally, we successfully detected CEA by ECL quenching effect of Au@PDA NPs.3, based on Eu3+ Doped CdSe QDs Electrochemiluminescence Quantitative Analysis Detection of Phosphoric Acid Basic Chapter Quantitative Detection of Phosphoric Acid Anion (PO43-) by Eu3+ Regulated 3-Mercaptopropionic Acid-coated CdSe QDs ECL. This is mainly based on the strong specific interaction between PO43-and Eu3+, so that Eu3+ guided quenching of CdSe QDs ECL can be restored, thereby achieving PO43- Highly sensitive detection with a linear range of 0.1-120 mu M and a detection limit of 0.03 mu M (S/N=3). In order to study the ECL properties of single-particle Au NCs and C2042-system, a new way for electrochemiluminescence of noble metal clusters was opened up. 5. Supramolecular sulfhydryl-beta-cyclodextrin-based modulated perovskite quantum dots optical properties. In this chapter, a protective agent based on sulfhydryl-beta-cyclodextrin (SH-beta-CD) was reported. By adjusting the dosage of protectant SH-beta-CD, a group of CsPbX3 quantum dots with luminescent peaks of 405-510 nm were fabricated, and the quantum efficiency of CsPbBr3 quantum dots was kept high (up to 50-90%). In this paper, we studied the ECL properties of different types of QDs, and based on the change of ECL signal intensity of QDs, we applied it to the quantitative analysis of anions in biological environment and its application in immunoassay.
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