[Abstract]:In order to meet the needs of industrial research on the distribution of flame components in high pressure environment and the need to carry out concentration measurement of pressurized flame components in engineering environment rather than in laboratory environment, In this paper, a method for measuring the distribution of component concentration in flame is developed with the help of laser spectrum diagnosis technique and numerical modeling method. Through the detailed analysis and derivation of the expression of fluorescence signal, it is concluded that in the measurement of the concentration of hydroxyl group (OH), in a certain temperature range, by selecting the appropriate excitation wavelength, the similar fuel and pressure can be guaranteed. On the premise of equivalent ratio, the expression of fluorescence signal intensity can be simplified, which makes the intensity of fluorescence signal satisfy the positive proportional relationship with the OH base concentration that we are concerned about, and then the research scheme of measuring OH base concentration is given. Planar laser-induced fluorescence (Planar Laser-Induced fluorescence,) technique was used to measure the intensity of fluorescence signal produced by flame at various pressures. The experimental results were obtained and the calibration factor was obtained by combining the chemical kinetic modeling. In order to extend the practicability of the calibration factor and make it more widely used in engineering, the calibration factor can be used in turbulent flame, such as in the process of ignition. By measuring the intensity of fluorescence signal during ignition, the concentration of OH can be reversed, and the process is simple and easy to operate. In order to obtain the chemical kinetic simulation results of the calibrated flame for concentration measurement, the most perfect GRI-Mech3.0 mechanism is chosen to calculate the calibrated flame by using the highly recognized numerical calculation software CHEMKIN in the field of combustion science. The accuracy of the CHEMKIN calculation is analyzed before the core calculation is carried out, and the results of this paper are compared with the published data in the literature to confirm the feasibility and accuracy of the calculation. At the same time, the CH4/air laminar premixed flame was selected as the calibration flame, and the planar laser-induced fluorescence technique was used to study the CH4/air premixed flame. The OH-PLIF (Planar Laser-Induced fluorescence of Hydroxyl, OH-PLIF) fluorescence signal image with high SNR was obtained. The intensity distribution of the axial fluorescence signal is obtained by processing the image, and the calibration factor of the flame front is obtained by processing the intensity image of the fluorescence signal combined with the result of CHEMKIN calculation. The calibration factor is used to calculate the concentration of OH base in the experiment, and compared with the theoretical results, the similarity between the two is obtained. Finally, the concentration distribution image of OH is inversely obtained by calibration constant, which is basically consistent with the published results under the same working conditions.
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