[Abstract]:Objective: to study the IR fingerprint of different parts of Cinnamomum cinnamon (bark, twigs, leaves) and its volatile oil, and to provide a reference for studying the chemical constituents of different parts of cinnamon. Methods: Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and second derivative infrared spectroscopy were used. Results: the IR spectra of bark, twigs and leaves of Cinnamomum cinnamon were similar in shape. All of them contained calcium oxalate, polyphenols and glycosides. The characteristic peaks of shoots and leaves near 1 653 cm-1 and 1 734 cm~ (-1) were significantly stronger than those of bark, and the contents of saturated fatty acid esters and flavonoids in shoots and leaves were estimated to be higher than those of bark. After amplification with second derivative, it was found that at 1 480 cm~ (-1) and 1 630 ~ 1 580 cm~ (-1), the twigs had two characteristic peaks, while the leaves had only one characteristic peak at the corresponding position. The infrared spectrum of the essential oil of bark, twig and leaf was similar to that of cinnamaldehyde. By the calculation of correlation coefficient, it was found that the content of cinnamaldehyde in the volatile oil was in order of bark, twig and leaf. In the vicinity of 1 734 cm~ (-1), the peak strength of the volatile oil of twigs and leaves was significantly higher than that of bark, indicating that the volatile oils of twigs and leaves also contained esters with other structures. By comparing the levels near the peak of 1 275 cm~ (-1) in the second derivative spectrum, the volatile oils of twigs and leaves can be further distinguished. Conclusion: infrared spectrum and second derivative infrared spectroscopy can not only analyze the difference of chemical composition of different parts of Cinnamomum cinnamon and its volatile oil, but also distinguish different parts of cinnamon with similar components.
【作者单位】: 北京中医药大学中药学院;淄博万杰中医药研究所;
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