[Abstract]:Photonic band gap is the basic characteristic of photonic crystal. The propagation of electromagnetic wave in photonic crystal will be forbidden in the band gap frequency range. Based on the electromagnetic field theory and numerical algorithm, the band gap optimization design of two-dimensional photonic crystals is studied in this paper. In the polarization modes of TE mode and TM mode, the geometric and parametric factors affecting the band gap structure of two-dimensional square lattice photonic crystals are considered, including symmetry, rotation, radius and refractive index. In this paper, the main geometric and parametric factors affecting the band gap structure of two-dimensional square lattice photonic crystals are studied by numerical simulation. The propagation of electromagnetic wave in photonic crystals is mainly determined by Maxwell equations. In the polarization mode of TE mode or TM mode, the problem can be transformed into a Helmholtz equation system with periodic boundary conditions. In this paper, the plane wave expansion method and the finite element method are used to solve the differential equation. Firstly, in this paper, the plane wave method is used to explore and optimize the simple two-dimensional structure, and the energy bands of the basic structures such as "square medium", "circular medium" and "square ring medium" are analyzed. A conclusion is obtained that "the process of destroying symmetry is conducive to the generation of wide band gap and the asymptotic stability of the process of changing geometric shape". Furthermore, the complex two-dimensional structures, such as the newly designed ellipse and the 45 掳oblique ellipse structure, are further analyzed by the more accurate finite element method, and the conclusion that "the destruction of geometric symmetry and rotating medium can increase the band gap" is obtained. In this paper, a large number of numerical simulation experiments are carried out. The experimental results not only design several optimized photonic crystal structures, but also show the effectiveness of the new design scheme in the optimization of band gaps. Through the analysis of the experimental results designed on MATLAB and COMSOL software, it can be seen that the new design of the "square ring medium" structure and the "changing structure from circle to ellipse to 45 掳oblique ellipse" have improved the band gap and achieved the goal of optimization. The experimental results show that the algorithm design and optimization process in this paper is effective.
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