本文选题:糖蜜乙醇废液 切入点:通缝抗剪 出处:《广西科技大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, people's demand for sugar and alcohol is increasing, and the amount of molasses ethanol waste liquid is also increasing. Guangxi ranks first in sugar production in China. The by-product molasses ethanol waste liquor how harmless, Resource-based treatment has become a yoke hindering the development of some large cities in Guangxi. The State issued the notice on issuing and issuing opinions on further prohibiting the use of solid Clay Brick. In the context of the development of new building materials, The research and development of molasses ethanol waste shale brick masonry not only conforms to the requirements of national policy, This experiment mainly analyzes the basic mechanical properties of molasses ethanol waste shale brick-shear resistance and shear pressure composite shear resistance. For the future molasses ethanol. Local standards for the formation of waste shale bricks provide data, In order to promote the popularization of molasses ethanol shale brick in a large area in Guangxi, according to the analysis of the results of the experiment, the shear strength data obtained from the experiment were treated by regression analysis. The average formula of shear strength along the pass joint of solid shale brick and porous brick masonry with molasses ethanol waste liquid can be obtained. The shear resistance of molasses ethanol waste shale brick masonry has been improved. Compared with ordinary shale brick, the reason of strength increase is: the surface of molasses ethanol waste shale solid brick is rough; The strength of molasses ethanol waste shale porous brick is enhanced by the following reasons: the existence of the pin bond of porous brick masonry is very important to the shear resistance of the through joint, and the porous brick masonry is under the synergistic action of the pin bond shear resistance and the bond shear resistance. The shear strength is greatly improved. (2) the data of shear strength obtained from the test are regressed with pure shear strength and compressive strength, respectively. The average formula of shear-compression composite shear strength of solid shale brick and porous brick masonry with molasses ethanol waste liquid is obtained. From the experimental data, it can be seen that under the combined action of pressure and shear force, the force curve of the two brick masonry is roughly the same; On the whole, the shear strength of solid brick is higher than that of molasses ethanol waste shale brick.
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