本文选题:气液两相流 切入点:图像处理 出处:《西安理工大学》2016年博士论文
【摘要】:气液反应器广泛应用于环境工程、废水处理、水利工程、生物化工、石油能源等工业领域。气液反应器在运行过程中对高效低能的迫切需求及反应器大型化的趋势,都对反应器的设计与优化提出了更高的要求。气液反应器的效能取决于反应器内气液两相流的流动状态,其流型流态与速度场分布直接影响到反应器内各相的接触和混合效果,同时也影响着反应过程中传热传质的速率,最终影响到反应器运行的效果和能耗。因此,对气液反应器中两相流的流体力学行为进行深入研究,可为现有反应器的操作和优化设计提供指导,对解决日益严峻的能源短缺和环境污染问题都具有重要的意义。本研究采用自主研发的气液反应器(专利号:201210051031.0)进行了气液两相流流场的实验工作,并通过图像处理与PIV技术,以气泡作为示踪粒子,获得了多种工况下密集气泡条件下气液两相流准确的气相速度场分布;并在总结和分析现有气液两相流模型的基础上,从相间作用力、湍流和气泡模型三方面对原有气液两相流模型进行对比改进,建立了BPBM-CFD耦合计算模型。通过对实验数据与数值模拟结果进行比较,并对比参考其他学者的研究成果,结果表明本文中改进的模型具有可靠和准确的预测能力。本研究取得的主要进展有:(1)研究并开发了密集气泡条件下气液两相流的测量方法。使用可消除光学折射的气液反应器实验装置,获取了气液两相流的原始图像并进行图像预处理;利用气泡作为示踪粒子,使用PIV技术获取气相流场的速度场信息。(2)将气泡群平衡模型应用于气液两相流体系的流体力学计算。深入分析了气泡聚并与破碎的机理,提出了较为完善的气泡聚并与破碎模型。(3)采用双流体模型与气泡群平衡模型对气液两相流流体力学行为进行了数值模拟。在总结和分析原有两相流模型的基础上,从相间作用力、湍流和气泡模型三方面提出了模型的修正与改进,建立了 BPBM-CFD耦合模型进行数值模拟研究并取得了较好的结果。(4)结合实验与数值模拟结果对气液反应器的最优工况提出了建议。基于得到的气液两相流气相与液相流场数据,对曝气量、高径比和曝气器布置这三种重要工况条件下的流型流态和速度场分布进行了分析,为气液反应器的运行和优化提供了建议。
[Abstract]:Gas-liquid reactors are widely used in environmental engineering, wastewater treatment, water conservancy engineering, biochemistry, petroleum energy and other industrial fields. The efficiency of the gas-liquid reactor depends on the flow state of the gas-liquid two-phase flow in the reactor, and its flow pattern and velocity field distribution directly affect the contact and mixing effect of each phase in the reactor. At the same time, it also affects the rate of heat and mass transfer in the reaction process, and ultimately affects the efficiency and energy consumption of the reactor. Therefore, the hydrodynamic behavior of the two-phase flow in the gas-liquid reactor is deeply studied. Can provide guidance for the operation and optimal design of existing reactors, It is of great significance to solve the increasingly serious problems of energy shortage and environmental pollution. In this study, the gas-liquid reactor (patent No. 201210051031.0) was used to carry out the experimental work of gas-liquid two-phase flow field, and through image processing and PIV technology, Using bubbles as tracer particles, the accurate gas velocity field distribution of gas-liquid two-phase flow under dense bubble conditions under various working conditions is obtained, and on the basis of summarizing and analyzing the existing gas-liquid two-phase flow models, the interphase interaction force is obtained. Based on the comparison and improvement of the original gas-liquid two-phase flow model, the BPBM-CFD coupling calculation model is established. The experimental data are compared with the numerical simulation results, and the research results of other scholars are compared. The results show that the improved model has reliable and accurate prediction ability. The main progress in this study is to study and develop the measurement method of gas-liquid two-phase flow under the condition of dense bubble. The optical refraction can be eliminated by using the method. Of the gas-liquid reactor, The original image of gas-liquid two-phase flow is obtained and preprocessed. The bubble is used as tracer particle. The PIV technique is used to obtain the velocity field information of the gas phase flow field. (2) the bubble group equilibrium model is applied to the hydrodynamics calculation of the gas-liquid two-phase flow system. The mechanism of bubble aggregation and fragmentation is analyzed in depth. A perfect model of bubble aggregation and breakage is proposed. The two-fluid model and bubble group equilibrium model are used to simulate the hydrodynamic behavior of gas-liquid two-phase flow. The modification and improvement of interphase force, turbulence and bubble model are proposed. The BPBM-CFD coupling model is established for numerical simulation, and good results are obtained. (4) combined with the experimental and numerical simulation results, some suggestions are proposed for the optimal conditions of the gas-liquid reactor. Based on the obtained gas-liquid two-phase flow data, the gas-liquid two-phase flow field data are obtained. The flow pattern and velocity field distribution of aeration rate, height to diameter ratio and aerator arrangement are analyzed, which provides suggestions for the operation and optimization of gas-liquid reactor.
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