本文选题:界面过渡区 + 微观结构 ; 参考:《长江科学院》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The interface between aggregate and paste is the weak surface of concrete, which affects the strength and durability of concrete. In this paper, the microstructure of C-S-H interface and the relative content of different polymerization states are quantitatively characterized by means of microcosmic measurement of cement-based materials such as high-resolution NMR-FTIR and XRD-TG, and the orientation of Ch crystal with C-S-H structure is determined. The dynamic evolution law of size and content in different admixtures and with curing age is revealed, the dynamic relationship between interface microstructure and macroscopic mechanics of concrete is explored, and a model of relationship between interface microstructure and macroscopic mechanics is established. The interface and slurry Ch crystal characteristic parameters were quantitatively characterized by means of XRD- TG, and the dynamic changes of Ch crystal under different admixtures and curing ages were studied. The results show that there is a phenomenon of Ch crystal enrichment, orientation growth and crystal size at the interface, while the pozzolanic effect and physical action of silica fume and fly ash can effectively suppress the characteristics of Ch crystal in the interface. With the increase of curing age, the content of Ch crystal at the interface increases, and the orientation index and crystal size decrease. By means of FTIR and NMR techniques, the structure of C-S-H gel was quantitatively characterized in the interface and slurry under different conditions, and the mechanism of interface weakening was explored from the point of view of the structure of C-S-H gel. It is found that the relative content of Q _ (1) Q _ (2) and [SiO_4] _ (4-) tetrahedron chain length and degree of polymerization are smaller at the interface, which leads to the instability of the weakening structure of the interface. However, the average chain length and polymerization degree of the interfacial C-S-H gel were increased with the addition of silica and fly ash, thus enhancing the interfacial properties. With the increase of curing age, the average chain length and polymerization degree of C-S-H gel increased. The relationship between interface microstructure and macroscopic mechanics was obtained. The relationship between interface Ch crystal orientation index and average crystal size, flexural strength and compressive strength was established, and the relationship between interfacial C-S-H gel polymerization degree and macroscopic mechanical properties was explored. It is found that the bending and compressive strength decrease linearly with the increase of orientation index and average size of Ch crystal at the interface. With the increase of average chain length and polymerization degree of interfacial C-S-H gel, the flexural and compressive strength increases.
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