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发布时间:2018-07-31 13:32
[Abstract]:In the process of building a well-off society in an all-round way, energy is undoubtedly an important guarantee. In the government's efforts to promote energy conservation policies and related standards, combined with the climate characteristics of Guangxi region, according to the current relevant norms of unsaturated humidity porous material thermal conductivity is not well understood. Lack of a large number of experimental research data base and appropriate theoretical analysis model. Therefore, the relationship between moisture content and equivalent thermal conductivity of sludge sintered shale porous brick, insulating mortar and ordinary mortar has been studied theoretically and experimentally, and the moisture content has been further studied. The influence of the type and thickness of the mortar on the thermal parameters of the wall. By studying the theoretical relationship between moisture content and equivalent thermal conductivity, the series model and the parallel model are considered comprehensively, and the theoretical derivation of the three-phase state of solid, liquid and gas is combined. The formulas for calculating the equivalent thermal conductivity of unsaturated humidity wall material and the thermal conductivity under dry state are obtained. When the moisture content is lower than 15, the theoretical formula is applicable to a certain extent, but it is not applicable to ordinary mortar. The effect of moisture content on the effective thermal conductivity of wall materials is significant, and the influence degree is different for different kinds of materials, but the effect of initial moisture content on the thermal conductivity of wall materials is mainly affected. According to the experimental results, the formula of equivalent thermal conductivity of sintered shale porous brick, insulating mortar and ordinary mortar is fitted, which reflects the influence of moisture content on the equivalent thermal conductivity of wall materials. In this paper, the influence of water content on the heat transfer coefficient of the wall is studied theoretically and experimentally. The equivalent heat conductivity under different moisture content is added to the theoretical formula of the heat transfer coefficient of the wall, and the measured value of the test is larger than the calculated value of the theory. The correction coefficient is 1.34. The moisture content of the wall, the type and thickness of the mortar on the surface have a significant effect on the heat transfer coefficient of the wall. The heat transfer coefficients of PQT-1 and PQT-210mm thick PQT-1 and PQT-210mm thick thermal insulation mortar wall increased by 1.26and 1.331.65% and 1.88mm, respectively, and the heat transfer coefficient of ordinary plaster mortar and thermal insulation mortar decreased by 4.2% and 12.7%, respectively. The theoretical calculation and test results are consistent with the test results, and there is no condensation phenomenon in the wall. The results show that the relationship between moisture content and thermal conductivity is well understood through the theoretical analysis and experimental study of the effect of water content on the thermal conductivity of materials. For the wall materials, the materials with excellent thermal insulation performance and the effect of environmental humidity on the moisture content of the materials should be selected first, so that the moisture content in the materials can be lower. Through the manufacturing process, the raw material makes the wall surface self-dense, thus preventing the moisture from entering the wall material to affect the thermal parameters, or by other measures to ensure that the moisture in the insulation material is maintained at a lower level. Because the humidity environment also affects the moisture content of the wall, so pay attention to the wall moisture-proof. In order to reduce the influence of humidity on the wall, some measures, such as water isolation layer on the wall surface, should be added when the moisture content of the wall is low, and should be considered synthetically in combination with the condensation protection measures inside the wall. Through the research on the influence of moisture content on the thermal performance of wall material and wall, the principle of water content influence on wall material is understood, and the reliable technical support and reference basis are provided for the selection of wall material and construction, and the construction technicians are guided to master the main points of wall construction. Pay attention to moisture-proof measures to promote the progress of building energy conservation.


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