[Abstract]:In this paper, different organic modifiers were used to open and graft polyaspartic acid (PASP), and different groups were inserted into the branched chain, which solved the problems of strong retarding effect and low water reducing rate of PASP water reducer. The early strength and water reduction rate of concrete are improved, and the advantages of low sensitivity of mud and good collapse retention are maintained. The researches on PASP and modified PASP are mainly focused on medicine, sewage treatment, agricultural chemical fertilizer and so on. There is no related literature on the application of PASP and modified PASP in cement and concrete. Therefore, the application of modified polyaspartic acid to cement and concrete is highly innovative and independent. Three kinds of polyaspartic acid with different molecular weight were modified by four kinds of organic compounds in the experiment, and the group Anb Bu C was introduced into the branched chain respectively, and the molecular weight of the branched chain was also increased. By controlling the synthesis conditions of modified polyaspartic acid, such as temperature, time, molar amount and so on, the optimum synthesis scheme was determined. In this paper, three kinds of water reducing modifiers, ASAYYBSs, are selected and applied to cement paste and concrete. By measuring the water reducing rate and fluidity, slump and time loss of concrete, The compressive strength, mud sensitivity and durability of PASP were evaluated at different ages. Three kinds of modified PASP were analyzed microscopically by Fourier infrared analyzer and 8-channel microcalorimeter Zeta potentiometer. The graft of ethanolamine and taurine was proved by infrared analyzer, the hydration of cement was confirmed by using 8-channel microcalorimeter, and the mechanism of water reduction before and after modification of PASP was analyzed by zeta potentiometer. The experimental results showed that the three modified PASP improved the strong retarding effect and the water reducing rate of the admixture, and maintained the advantages of low sensitivity to mud and good collapse retention.
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