[Abstract]:Sapphire is a kind of intraocular crystal with good performance, which is widely used in military optical materials, semiconductor substrates and smart phones. Bubble growth method is one of the most important methods for the growth of sapphire crystals. In this paper, the temperature field, flow field and solid-liquid interface shape of sapphire growth process are simulated and analyzed by Fluent numerical simulation software. The effects of different production processes and system structure on crystal growth were studied. In this paper, the growth theory of sapphire is summarized, and the physical and numerical models of the growth process of sapphire by bubble method are established. The three main growth stages of sapphire growth in the process of crystal growth, such as shoulder placement, initial equidiameters and late equidiameters, are studied numerically. It is found that under the action of water cooling above seed crystal and heating around crucible, the isotherms in the three stages are distributed up, down and down, and the isotherms in the melt protrude to the bottom of the crucible. The melt flows upward along the crucible wall to the center of the solid-liquid interface and then flows down along the center of the symmetry axis, thus forming an anticlockwise vortex. With the continuous growth of the crystal, the isotherm and the center of the vortex in the melt move downward, the convection effect in the melt weakens, the maximum velocity in the melt decreases, and the crystal grows to the late equidiameters. The position of the maximum velocity in the melt shifted from the center of the symmetry axis to the lateral wall of the crucible. The choice of process parameters and thermal field structure has a great influence on the crystal quality during the growth process of sapphire by bubbling method. In this paper, the effects of shoulder angle, bottom chamfer radius of crucible and power ratio of side to bottom heater on temperature field, flow field and solid-liquid interface shape of sapphire growth system are studied. It is found that with the decrease of shoulder angle, the average temperature in the system decreases, the axial temperature gradient increases, the maximum velocity in the melt decreases, the convection effect weakens, and the convexity of the solid-liquid interface decreases. With the increase of the chamfer radius at the bottom of the crucible, the isotherm of the system moves up, the average temperature of melt increases, the maximum velocity of flow near the crystallization front decreases, and the shape of the swirl becomes smooth with the appearance of the chamfer at the bottom of the crucible. The convexity of the solid-liquid interface decreases with the increase of the crucible chamfer radius, and the smaller crown is conducive to maintaining the stability of the free interface, and the isotherm line in the system moves down when the power ratio of the side part to the bottom heater is reduced. The radial temperature and radial temperature gradient of the melt near the solid-liquid interface decrease, the maximum velocity of flow in the melt decreases, and the convexity of the solid-liquid interface increases.
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