[Abstract]:Microbial electrolysis cells (MECs) are developed from microbial fuel cells (MFCs), which have the characteristics of low energy input (compared with hydrogen production from electrolytic water) and high hydrogen production rate. MECs mainly use acetate to produce hydrogen. However, how to use MECs to treat real waste and obtain hydrogen simultaneously has become a hot research topic. The problems of traditional anaerobic sludge treatment are long cycle, slow carbon source conversion rate and low recovery rate of energy (methane). Aiming at these problems, an effective sludge pretreatment method-enhanced fermentation and acid production-microbial electrolysis to recover hydrogen energy is proposed, which will enhance the residual sludge separately. In this study, the characteristics of sludge fermentation broth prepared by different pretreatment methods were analyzed, and the organic components of fermentation broth were optimized and optimized. The conversion efficiency of different organic matter components in MECs reactor was determined. The experimental results showed that the hydrogen production rate of MECs was the highest when the initial concentration of protein was 800 mg COD/L under the applied voltage of 0.8 V, and different volatile acid components in fermentation broth had a close effect on the hydrogen production of MECs. Accumulation of acid was disadvantageous to hydrogen production in MECs, but accumulation of butyric acid was relatively beneficial to the increase of hydrogen production in MECs. The hydrogen production rate of MECs was the highest when initial P H value was 6.5, applied voltage was 0.8 V and conductivity was 8. The conductivity of raw fermentation broth can be improved and the hydrogen production efficiency of MECs can be improved. Proper phosphate (PBS) regulation can effectively improve the operation efficiency of MECs reactor. When P H returned to neutrality, the diversity of microorganisms in the MECs reactor increased after acid shock, while for the high-efficiency hydrogen production reactor, in which extracellular electron-transporting bacteria were the dominant bacteria, the cytochrome C gene-related bacteria could recover to the dominant bacteria quickly after removal of short acid shock, which was related to carbon utilization. Compared with thermal pretreatment, alkali pretreatment and thermo-alkali pretreatment of sludge fermentation broth inoculated with MECs reactor, the results showed that the VFAs released more fully and the acetic acid utilization rate of fermentation broth was the highest in MECs. The hydrogen recovery efficiency analysis of sludge fermentation broth showed that the hydrogen recovery efficiency of the combined pretreatment sludge fermentation broth with MECs was the highest, and the hydrogen yield per unit sludge was 34.4 +4.1 m L H_2/g VSS, and the hydrogen output per day was 19.3 +2.3 m L H_2/d. In view of the effect of methane production from sludge fermentation broth treated with MECs on the hydrogen recovery rate of MECs, a method of increasing appropriate amount of micro-oxygen aeration formation in sludge pretreatment process to effectively inhibit methanogens in MECs was proposed. The results showed that short-term aeration could effectively increase the methanogens in MECs treatment sludge. Hydrogen recovery from fermentation broth. On the one hand, the release of organic compounds in the hydrolysis process of excess sludge can be enhanced by appropriate micro-oxygen aeration pretreatment during sludge pretreatment. The results show that the accumulation of total volatile fatty acids (TVFAs) in sludge fermentation broth can be improved by adding appropriate micro-oxygen pretreatment under alkali treatment conditions. In the operation stage of hydrogen production, short-term (10 min) air exposure to MECs biofilm could effectively inhibit methane production. The recovery rate of hydrogen production increased by 60% and the hydrogen yield reached 1.3 m L H_2/m L reactor/d. Anaerobic fermentation was the most significant microbial community in the combined single-chamber MECs reactor. The results showed that beta-Proteobacteria, Legionella and Clostridium were the main microbial community during the operation of MECs reactor. Clostridium increased from 4.1% at the start-up stage to 19.3% at the hydrogen production stage, and Solobacterium increased to 19.3%. 10.5%; the beta-Proteobacteria closely related to the electron transfer process of microbial electrode system decreased slightly, and the beta-Proteobacteria accounted for 21.3% at the highest hydrogen production efficiency of the reactor. The results preliminarily revealed the anaerobic fermentation flora and the MEC electrode functional flora in the process of hydrogen recovery efficiency of the system and surplus sludge fermentation broth combined with microbial electrolysis. The internal relationship of the interaction process.
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