[Abstract]:Polyoxometalates, or polyoxometalates, have been synthesized for a hundred years since their first synthesis. Its applied research has expanded from the original catalysis to the magnetic field, the catalysis field, the chiral and bionic field, the nanomaterials and the surface chemistry field, because in recent years the mankind realizes the energy resources to be exhausted day by day. It is imperative to develop new and stable clean energy sources, so researchers have turned their attention to polyacid, an inorganic compound with excellent catalytic properties. Titanium and zirconium in IIB transition metals have low energy band gap. It is very suitable for solar cells and photocatalysts, and titanium dioxide, an important compound of titanium, has been studied deeply and extensively as photocatalyst for hydrogen production from solar energy. Compared with titanium dioxide, a conventional photocatalyst, titanium oxide cluster has more advantages than zirconium organometallic framework structure: it can be combined with various organic ligands to increase the range of spectral absorption. Make it possible to apply the largest proportion of visible light in the solar energy; The formed frame structure is favorable for electron transport and increases the efficiency of photodissociation of aquatic hydrogen. At present, the research on titanium oxide clusters has reached the plateau stage in the aspect of new structure synthesis. Researchers pay more attention to the development of photocatalytic properties of known structures, and optimize the structure to expand the range of light absorption by functionalizing it. Increase the efficiency of photocatalytic hydrogen production. However, the research on zirconium oxide clusters and zirconium organometallic frameworks started late, and are still in the primary stage, and the photocatalytic hydrogen production properties are less studied, which will be one of the key research directions of our research. In this paper, three kinds of hexanuclear titanium oxide clusters, Ti6O4 (OEt) 4 (OiPr) 4 [OOCC6H5] 8 (1), were synthesized by alcohols at lower temperature. Ti6O4 (OEt) 8 [OOC (CH3) 3] 8 (2) and Ti6O4 (OCH3) 8 [OOC (CH3) 3] 8 (3). The spatial groups of the three groups are all P21 / c, but their spatial structures are slightly different due to the different ligands. In compounds 2 and 3 [Ti6O4], when heated for more than 24 hours at 100 掳C, there will be an atomic rearrangement of the molecular parts to form another compact [Ti6O6] structure, The molecular formulas are Ti6O6 (OEt) 6 [OOC (CH3) 3] 6 and Ti6O6 (OCH3) 6 [OOC (CH3) 3] 6, respectively. However, no Ti rearrangement occurred in compound 1 for more than 3 days after continuous heating. The photocatalytic properties of the three compounds and the 2 and 3 rearrangement products were studied. It was found that the photocatalytic hydrogen production and hydrogen production efficiency of the three compounds were higher than those of nanometer titanium dioxide measured under the same conditions. After rearrangement of 2 and 3, the catalytic performance was not affected. We are still studying the structure synthesis and catalytic properties of zirconium.
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