[Abstract]:In recent years two-dimensional van der Waals crystal materials such as graphene and transition metal sulfides have attracted wide attention due to their excellent physical chemical and mechanical properties. As a new two-dimensional semiconductor material, black phosphorus has many excellent properties, such as tunable thickness band gap and high mobility. It has an important application prospect in nano-electronic devices and optoelectronic devices. At the same time, the theoretical prediction of black phosphorus has a long spin diffusion length, which is suitable for the development of spin electronic devices. However, there is no research report on spin transport based on two-dimensional black phosphorus material. In this paper, two dimensional black phosphorus materials were prepared by mechanical stripping of black phosphorus. The field effect characteristics and spin dependent transport properties of the devices are also studied. (1) the two dimensional pure black phosphorus and black phosphorus-doped field effect transistors are fabricated and the basic electrical properties of the black phosphorus devices are tested respectively. The experimental results show that black phosphorus is a p-type semiconductor with high switching ratio and high mobility. It is also found that doping can significantly improve the stability of black phosphorus devices. This lays a good foundation for the further study of spin valves. (2) the spin valve devices based on two-dimensional black phosphorus vertical structure are fabricated, and the effects of temperature, current and other factors on their transport properties are studied. At room temperature, the magnetoresistance effect of the black phosphorus spin valve is 0.23 and the magnetoresistive effect is as high as 0.57 at 4 K. It is found that black phosphorus exhibits metal characteristics in spin valve devices. These results indicate that two-dimensional black phosphorus materials may be suitable for the development of spin electronic devices such as magnetic storage and magnetic logic devices. (3) In-plane spin valve devices based on two-dimensional black phosphorus have been fabricated. The magnetoresistance effect of 0.27% was observed at 10 K, but no apparent spin correlation transport was observed at room temperature, which may be due to the poor interface quality between ferromagnetic layer and black phosphorus.
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