发布时间:2019-05-22 00:29
【摘要】:氢气燃烧时产生水而不是温室气体,因此被认为是可再生的清洁能源。氢气的获得途径有多种,如从化石燃料中获取等。但因生物生产氢气的过程和其他传统生产工艺相比具有无害环境及节能等特点而更加受到欢迎。常用的生物制氢方法中,暗发酵具有更低的生产成本,因为以淤泥形式存在的梭状芽胞杆菌联合体可以作为接种物。除了接种物,厌氧发酵也需要底物来进行生物制氢。为此,制氢研究领域中城市生活垃圾的有机成分、餐厨垃圾(FW)因其挥发性固体和有机质含量高获得了较高关注。统计资料显示,在2013年,中国产生了1.7239亿吨餐厨垃圾。餐厨垃圾的主要组成是米饭和面条,即40%餐厨垃圾是由米类残余(RW)和面类残余(NW)构成。鉴于以上事实,本研究中应用550ml实验室规模的沼气池,在不同pH值和温度控制下,采用餐厨垃圾与热冲击污泥等比例混合进行氢气的生产。生物制氢期间,研究了培养期的化学需氧量(COD)、挥发性固体(VS)、PH下降值、葡萄糖消耗量和挥发性脂肪酸生成。使用经修正的Gompertz方程来研究生物产氢的动力学参数。选择响应面法通过二次建模对研究结果进行更好地展示。结果概括如下;1、将餐厨垃圾、面类残余和米类残余分别与作为梭状芽孢杆菌联合体来源的污泥混合,在不同的物理条件(pH 5, 6和7,温度37℃和55℃)下进行生物制氢研究。过程中每12h后,人为调整pH值为初始值。研究发现当pH从5增至7,所有测试废弃物的生物氢产量增加;而当温度增加,只有餐厨垃圾的生物产氢量增加。pH为7时,在常温面类残余中产生的生物氢量最高,为115. 76ml/VS。实验表明,pH值从7降到4. 8±0.2的过程是对于中高温条件下的废弃物而言都是生物产氢的最佳条件,另外大部分的氢生产于72小时的培养期。2、研究了在初始pH值为7且没有pH控制的条件下,餐厨垃圾、面类残余和米类残余在中温升至高温过程中的生物产氢量。实验结果表明,中温温度(37℃)升高至高温(55℃)过程是提高餐厨垃圾和面类残余生物制氢的有效途径,但对米类残余而言温度升高则有负面影响。大部分的产氢是在孵化48小时一直持续到72小时,在此期间pH值从初始的7降至4.3 (中温)和4.4 (高温)。最大产氢量82.47 mL/VS,131.38 mL/COD和44.90 mL/glucose分别是从高温餐厨垃圾,高温面类残余和中温米类残余中获得。3、在pH控制间隔为 12h(PM12)和24h(PM24)及温度37±0. 1℃和55±0.1℃下研究餐厨垃圾和其2个附属衍生物的生物制氢量。生物制氢行为在PM12的反应器中好过在PM24的反应器。pH值从7降到5. 3是适合面类残余在中温条件下的共同消化,此时pH管理间隔12h(PM12)条件下的氢产量最高,为145.93 mL/g COD。当温度从37℃增加到55℃和pH值管理间隔从24h降至12h时,餐厨垃圾、面类残余和米类残余的生物产氢量也分别从39. 21 mmL/g CODremoved? ?升至89.67 mL/g CODremoved,91.77 mL/g CDOeremoved升至145.93 mL/g CODremoved和15.36 mL/g CODremoved升至117. 62 mL/g CODremoved。总的来说,PM12被证实是一种有效的用于餐厨垃圾厌氧消化进行生物制氢的条件。4、分别研究餐厨垃圾和它的两个主要衍生物在中高温条件加热12h /天(HI12)和24h/天(HI24)的生物制氢量。最高的生物氢产量104.08 mL/VSremoved和85. 14 mL/VSremoved分别在高温面类残余加热24h/天和中温米类残余加热12h/天条件下获得。加热间隔从HI24降至HI12时,高温面类残余和中温餐厨垃圾的生物氢气产量降低了28. 19%和27. 11%。而同样加热时间间隔的变化增加了中温米类残余的生物产氢量17. 24%。总体而言,高温时HI12处理比中温时HI24处理的产氢量更高,而两者的理论能量需求几乎是一样的。5、研究了加热时间对挥发性固体去除率的影响,结果表明HI12相比HI24减少了中温餐厨垃圾22. 66%的挥发性固体去除率,这使得HI12是合适用于污水处理厂的节能选择。区间加热也有助于降低pH值的平均下降和VFA产量,有利于更好地控制pH和VFA。
[Abstract]:The generation of water rather than a greenhouse gas in the combustion of hydrogen is considered to be a renewable clean energy source. Hydrogen is available in a variety of ways, such as from fossil fuels. But is more popular with the characteristics of harmless environment and energy saving compared with other traditional production processes. In commonly used biohydrogen production processes, dark fermentation has a lower production cost because the Clostridium species present in the form of sludge can be used as an inoculum. In addition to that inoculum, the anaerobic fermentation also require a substrate for biological hydrogen production. For this reason, the organic components of municipal solid waste in the field of hydrogen production research and the kitchen waste (FW) have been paid high attention because of the high content of volatile solid and organic matter. Statistics show that in 2013, China has produced 1.79 billion tons of kitchen waste. The main components of the kitchen waste are rice and noodles, that is,40% of the kitchen waste is composed of a rice residue (RW) and a surface type residue (NW). In view of the above facts, in this study,550 ml of the laboratory scale methane tank is applied, and the production of hydrogen gas is carried out by the ratio of kitchen waste and thermal shock sludge under different pH value and temperature control. During the biological hydrogen production, the chemical oxygen demand (COD), the volatile solid (VS), the pH value, the consumption of glucose and the generation of volatile fatty acids during the incubation period were studied. The modified Gompertz equation was used to study the kinetic parameters of hydrogen production. The selection response surface method is used for better display of the research results by the secondary modeling. The results are summarized as follows:1. The residue of the kitchen waste, the residue of the flour and the residual rice residue are respectively mixed with the sludge which is the source of the Clostridium sporogenes, and the biological hydrogen production is carried out under different physical conditions (pH 5,6 and 7, temperature 37 鈩,
[Abstract]:The generation of water rather than a greenhouse gas in the combustion of hydrogen is considered to be a renewable clean energy source. Hydrogen is available in a variety of ways, such as from fossil fuels. But is more popular with the characteristics of harmless environment and energy saving compared with other traditional production processes. In commonly used biohydrogen production processes, dark fermentation has a lower production cost because the Clostridium species present in the form of sludge can be used as an inoculum. In addition to that inoculum, the anaerobic fermentation also require a substrate for biological hydrogen production. For this reason, the organic components of municipal solid waste in the field of hydrogen production research and the kitchen waste (FW) have been paid high attention because of the high content of volatile solid and organic matter. Statistics show that in 2013, China has produced 1.79 billion tons of kitchen waste. The main components of the kitchen waste are rice and noodles, that is,40% of the kitchen waste is composed of a rice residue (RW) and a surface type residue (NW). In view of the above facts, in this study,550 ml of the laboratory scale methane tank is applied, and the production of hydrogen gas is carried out by the ratio of kitchen waste and thermal shock sludge under different pH value and temperature control. During the biological hydrogen production, the chemical oxygen demand (COD), the volatile solid (VS), the pH value, the consumption of glucose and the generation of volatile fatty acids during the incubation period were studied. The modified Gompertz equation was used to study the kinetic parameters of hydrogen production. The selection response surface method is used for better display of the research results by the secondary modeling. The results are summarized as follows:1. The residue of the kitchen waste, the residue of the flour and the residual rice residue are respectively mixed with the sludge which is the source of the Clostridium sporogenes, and the biological hydrogen production is carried out under different physical conditions (pH 5,6 and 7, temperature 37 鈩,