[Abstract]:The development and utilization of clean and renewable energy is an effective way to solve the problems of energy and environment. Solar energy is an important renewable energy. Solar photovoltaic electrolytic water hydrogen production system can make full use of it efficiently and fully. Solar cell unit converts light energy into electric energy and uses it directly. The surplus electric energy drives the hydrogen production unit of electrolytic water, which converts the electric energy into hydrogen energy storage and utilization. The new graphene based nanomaterials have excellent optical, electrical and mechanical properties. Reasonable utilization is expected to further improve the photoelectric conversion efficiency of this technology and reduce the energy consumption and cost of hydrogen production from electrolytic water. In this paper, the hydrogen production system of solar photovoltaic electrolytic water is developed. Firstly, graphene and solid electrolyte are combined to optimize the model structure of graphene / silicon solar cell, and the efficient conversion from light energy to electric energy is realized. Secondly, graphene is combined with transition metal compounds to reduce the use of precious metals in hydrogen production from electrolytic water, and the efficient and stable conversion from electric energy to hydrogen energy is realized. The solar cell is connected with the electrolytic water unit to construct the photovoltaic electrolytic water hydrogen production system, and finally the direct utilization and conversion and utilization of solar energy are realized. In order to develop the solar cell unit in the system, the reticulated graphene / silicon-solid electrolyte solar cell was assembled from optimizing the model structure of graphene / silicon solar cell, and the multiple working mechanism of solid electrolyte in it was studied and discussed. In this device, the Heterojunction and photochemical channel work together to improve the conversion efficiency to 11%, which ensures the efficient conversion and utilization of light energy to electric energy. In order to reduce the amount of platinum used as catalyst in electrolytic water, graphene / Mo disulfide lamellar composite structure was prepared by combining graphene with transition metal sulfides. The hydrogen production performance of the structure in acidic electrolytes was studied. In order to further improve the catalytic activity, a small amount of platinum nanoparticles were deposited on it, and the mechanism of photoinduced platinum loading was discussed and analyzed. In graphene / molybdenum disulfide platinum nanoparticles catalyst, Mo disulfide can partly replace platinum and the overpotential of hydrogen production is as low as 56 MV. As the cathode catalyst of electrolytic water unit, the high efficiency conversion from electric energy to hydrogen energy can be realized. In order to synthesize non-precious metal fully decomposed water catalyst, graphene was combined with transition metal selenide. Graphene-cobalt selenide / nickel vertical nanolamellar composite structure was synthesized by morphology control. It has excellent functions of hydrogen production and oxygen production in alkaline electrolytes, and can be used as cathode and anode catalyst of electrolytic water at the same time. Replaced precious metal platinum. In series with reticulated graphene / silicon-solid electrolyte solar cell, a photovoltaic electrolytic water hydrogen production system was built to realize the efficient and stable conversion from electric energy to hydrogen energy.
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