[Abstract]:The dry and wet cycle condition is one of the most unfavorable environments for the durability of the marine structure, and the mechanism of the internal humidity and the ion transport in the concrete is more complex than the monotone drying or wetting condition. It is of great significance to carry out the research on the durability of the marine structure and to improve the service safety of the marine structure. In the light of the above problems, by means of the experimental research and the finite element simulation, the moisture transfer law and the anti-chloride corrosion performance of the concrete inside the concrete are studied. The main contents are as follows: (1) The change rule of the internal humidity of the concrete is studied. In this paper, the long-term change of the temperature and humidity of the concrete under the condition of room temperature is designed, and the variation law of the internal humidity of the concrete under the condition of dry and wet circulation is tested. The results show that the change of the internal humidity of the concrete under the indoor conditions is affected by the water consumption, the environmental humidity, the mineral admixture and the water-cement ratio, and the change of the internal humidity of the concrete under the dry and wet cycle is mainly affected by the dry and wet cycle, the depth of the distance surface and the water-to-gel ratio. (2) The internal humidity transfer model of the concrete under the condition of indoor environment and dry and wet circulation is established, and the numerical results of the indoor environment are taken as the initial value of the dry and wet circulation model, taking into account the different boundary conditions of the two models under the indoor environment and the dry and wet cycle conditions. The model is solved by using the Cosol multiphysics finite element simulation software. The results show that the numerical results of the humidity transfer model are consistent with the measured results, and the humidity transfer model established in this paper can be used to analyze and predict the humidity transfer rule in the concrete. (3) The corrosion test of chloride ion under the condition of dry and wet circulation and full immersion erosion is carried out, and the concentration of chloride ion at different depth and depth under different erosion conditions is studied. The chloride ion transport model was established and the chloride ion transport model was solved by using the COMSOL finite element software. The process of chloride ion transmission under the condition of dry and wet and full immersion was studied. The results show that the calculated value of the model is good with the experimental data. (4) The microstructure of the cement-based composite was studied under the condition of dry-wet and cyclic-chlorine-salt composite erosion, and a variety of micro-test techniques such as XRD, DTA and FTIR were used to design the test piece of cement-based composite material at different levels. The microstructure characteristics of the internal microstructure of the cement-based composite based on the wet and wet cycle-chloride ion erosion condition are analyzed qualitatively. The results show that the Friedel salt is obviously produced under the erosion of the chloride, and the incorporation of the mineral powder admixture can enhance the chloride ion binding ability of the cement-based composite.
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