本文关键词: 微小孔 挤压研磨 模糊控制 专家系统 模糊神经网络 出处:《上海大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Micro hole parts play an important role in many industries, however, the micro hole parts of the internal burr and sharp edges are not handled properly, the performance of the equipment will have a huge impact, and even cause severe accidents. Therefore, all walks of life for hole shaped parts deburring and finishing put a lot of manpower study, and achieved certain results. But due to the requirements of the micro hole parts is more and more high, the common deburring method has been difficult to meet. The abrasive flow with low viscosity, the micro hole processing work piece suspension and flow of fine grinding media, can reach to the effect of deburring and finishing. Because of the use of isolation and online measurement method, the change of flow process can be implemented to monitor and control, so the use of abrasive slurry flow micro hole extrusion grinding to a precision machining to obtain very high The flow of consistency. This is the other deburring and finishing methods are difficult to achieve. The ground is representative of the micro hole parts, needle valve as an example, the traffic monitoring method, online real-time processing technology was studied, and the intelligent algorithm and expert system are combined to process modeling and parameters optimization. This paper built the processing platform according to the demand, and on the platform of processing on some possible processing results are compared, it proves the progressiveness of the above methods. The results are as follows: the micro hole extrusion precision grinding necessity and feasibility analysis, research and points out the superiority of grinding medium by using this system. According to the specific requirements of precision extrusion grinding process, analyzed the evaluation index of processing involved and the specific parameters, provide the basis for the final implementation in the control. The processing platform built before using the power bond graph of hydraulic system simulation analysis and calculation, and take the incremental PID algorithm to stabilize the pressure and flow measurement, improves the flow control accuracy. According to the continuous change in the processing flow, the flow is small, the characteristics of real-time requirement, from real-time, rationality angle accuracy and data display based on flow processing algorithm is studied. The processing time, processing pressure will be artificially changed, therefore, by fitting the data in the process of pre equivalent flow calculation formula to calculate the actual flow. The analysis of the existing problems of online processing methods, the new processing technology, construct the base curve online processing, and the use of double mode combined with online control as control method, namely in the processing stage, the fuzzy control method is used for processing in the processing stage, the constant pressure and The way to ensure the processing flow and the corresponding flow test rig for measuring flow, so as to effectively improve the quality and efficiency of machining. In the fuzzy control of traffic growth stage, the reference value and the pressure difference method was used to quantify the nonlinear fuzzy, the flow rate and flow rate error rate and output error the pressure increment using the variable universe fuzzy method, to reduce the amount of computation, improve the computational efficiency, the expansion factor according to the growth rate of flow and pressure difference between the reference value of the quantization level. Because of the change of grinding medium capacity during processing, change and other processing conditions will lead to processing data will be a big difference so, this paper established the expert system to save a large amount of data processing and the accumulation of experience in processing, for the subsequent production service. This system mainly discuss the construction process Work and optimize the parameters of die for processing new, expert system uses forward reasoning parameter optimization reasoning, or by using the fuzzy neural network and particle swarm optimization with the method of parameter optimization, first training and modeling of the machining process, a multi-objective optimization model is built, then the particle swarm optimization algorithm loading training model and as the new solutions of the processing parameters are given. Combination of non online measurement method is studied in this paper. The micro hole extrusion precision grinding, on-line process and control method, parameter optimization and system implementation, and analyzed and compared under various processing conditions, the processing precision of that research results of this paper can effectively improve the micro hole extrusion grinding, the machining efficiency and stability of the system.
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