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发布时间:2018-05-11 12:19

  本文选题:低合金耐磨钢 + 微合金化 ; 参考:《中国科学技术大学》2016年博士论文

[Abstract]:In order to improve the production efficiency and reduce the manufacturing cost, the key equipment and its working parts of the iron ore production line are continuously large. Among them, the wear-resistant lining plate is the key equipment of the iron ore powder production line, the core working part of the mill. Its service life directly affects the operation efficiency and manufacturing cost of the whole iron ore production line. However, at present, the domestic iron ore powder production line has a direct effect on the operation efficiency and manufacturing cost. The independent material selection criterion of the super large mill has not been formed. The main key equipment of the super large iron ore production line project in our country depends entirely on the import, resulting in the cost and progress of the project. In order to achieve the expected design life, the material of large wear-resistant parts should have excellent toughness while having high hardness and strength. Therefore, how to obtain good strength and toughness matching and hardenability and further improve the wear resistance of wear resistant steel has always been a subject of great concern for researchers. In this paper, a series of new medium carbon low alloy wear resistant steels have been designed by Ti, B and RE microalloying. The microstructure of Ti, B and RE is analyzed. The type, size and distribution of Ti precipitates and rare earth inclusions in the process of solidification and heat treatment are systematically studied. The wear mechanism of the experimental steel and the relationship between Ti and RE microalloying and the relationship between mechanical properties and wear resistance are discussed. At the same time, the mass production of carbon low alloy steel wear-resistant lining castings in the independent design has been realized. It has accumulated valuable experience for the development of low alloy wear resistant steel materials in China, and laid a solid theoretical foundation for the application of high quality and wear-resistant components. The main contents of this paper include: (1) combined with thermodynamic calculation and experimental research, the paper puts forward the research of the paper. Ti, B and RE microalloying thought: improving hardenability by trace B, adding appropriate Ti and N in steel to ensure B to hardenability, forming TiN precipitate phase, refining microstructure, adding a proper amount of RE (La, Ce), purifying molten steel, improving inclusion and refining grain. By this, a new medium carbon low alloy wear resistant steel alloy system was designed. (2) adoption of a new medium carbon alloy system. (2) The continuous cooling transition (CCT) curve of experimental steel was measured by a thermal expaner. The effect of Ti, B and RE Microalloying on the hardenability was analyzed. The results showed that when B element was added to the experimental steel, B was easily combined with N in steel to form BN, which seriously weakened the effect of hardenability, and the excess B would precipitate the precipitation of M23 (C, B) 6 carbides along the grain boundary. Instead of reducing the hardenability of steel, on this basis, adding a proper amount of Ti elements can effectively fix N, form TiN precipitation phase and inhibit the production of BN, which is beneficial to play a significant role in improving the hardenability of B. However, the addition of RE elements in the experimental steel is mainly combined with O and S in molten steel to form RE203 and RE202S rare earth inclusions, and has no effect on the hardenability of steel. (3) the precipitation behavior of TiN and rare-earth inclusions in the experimental steel and its effect on the solidification structure of the experimental steel were studied by the experiments of thermal insulation solidification and continuous cooling solidification in the solid-liquid two phase region. The results showed that after the isothermal solidification and water quenching, the TiN and the rare earth inclusions in the experimental steel were mainly distributed in the coarse interdendritic interdendrites of the solidified structure and before the dendrites. Along with the finally solidified equiaxed grain boundaries, a small amount is distributed in the coarse dendrites and equiaxed grains of the solidified tissue. The comparison of the low fold microstructure shows that the ratio of the equiaxed grain and the solidification structure can be greatly improved by adding Ti and RE elements. (4) the precipitation characteristics of the precipitated phase and the rare earth impurities in the experimental steel after heat treatment were systematically studied, and Ti, R was discussed. The effect of E content on grain size and mechanical properties showed that, with the increase of Ti content, the particle size of the precipitated phase in the experimental steel increased, the precipitation content increased, the precipitate category gradually changed into micron grade Ti (C, N) and nanoscale (Ti, Mo) (C, N), with obvious dispersion strengthening, fine grain strengthening and ductile plasticity improvement. When Ti content was obtained. At 0.021%, the comprehensive mechanical properties of the experimental steel are the best. As the content of Ti is further increased, the precipitate containing Ti is nucleated at the initial stage and grows rapidly, resulting in a significant increase in the size and precipitation of the precipitated phase, which seriously reduces the impact toughness of the steel. When a proper amount of RE elements is added to the steel, the RE element is combined with O and S in the molten steel. The RE2O3 and RE202S dilute inclusions at 1 m can effectively purify the molten steel and the metamorphic inclusion, and improve the impact toughness of the steel. However, when the RE element and the Ti element are microalloyed with the Ti element, the rare earth inclusions are very easy to be used as the effective core of the TiN in the steel, prompting the TiN and its formation of a larger size and micron grade. The impact toughness is reduced. (5) the wear mechanism of the experimental steel under the impact abrasive wear condition, and the relationship between the microalloying of Ti and RE, the mechanical properties and the wear resistance are discussed by using the MLD-10 dynamic abrasive wear test machine. The experimental results show that the wear surface of the experimental steel in the condition of impact abrasive wear, with the exception of a small amount of display, is shown. On the basis of B microalloying, a proper amount of Ti and RE elements are added separately to the experimental steel on the basis of microalloying, which can improve the comprehensive mechanical properties and improve the wear resistance to a certain extent. However, the RE element is added to the experimental steel of Ti and B microalloying, and the coarse TiN- is formed. The debris particles are broken during the wear process, which causes the matrix cracking and obviously reduces the wear resistance of the steel. (6) on the basis of the research on the above materials, the material material specification, performance index and the whole process production process of the large wear-resistant lining board are formulated on the basis of the above materials, and the EAF refining furnace (LF) vacuum treatment (VOD) smelting technique is adopted. By controlling the order of Ti, B and RE, the mass production of the carbon low alloy steel wear-resistant lining castings in the independent design has been realized, and it has basically replaced the import. The results show that the service life of the self developed large wear-resistant liner has reached 75 days, and the existing import service life is 65 days and 15.4%. is improved.



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