[Abstract]:Blade is an important component of aero-engine, turbine machinery, large propeller and other power equipment, its design and manufacture quality determines the overall performance of power equipment. The one-sided shape of the blade is mostly a free-form surface with variable cross section and high distortion, so it is difficult to design and manufacture. After machining, the surface quality of the blade is repaired by grinding and polishing process, but the existing grinding and polishing process is separated from the measuring process, so it is difficult to realize the high efficiency and high quality finishing of the blade. In view of the above problems, the theory of blade free-form surface measurement, combined with vane grinding and polishing equipment, and the development of in-situ measurement system have important application value in improving the efficiency and precision of blade finishing. A non-contact in situ measurement system was established by combining the developed blade grinding and polishing machine tool and existing testing technology. The system introduces the measurement process into the machining process of the blade, and completes the data collection of the blade profile without changing the clamping position of the blade, thus reducing the positioning error. In order to meet the requirements of efficiency and precision in different processing stages, three in-situ measurement schemes, i.e., dense point method, characteristic point method and polar coordinate rotation method, are proposed. Develop control software, design interface program, to achieve automatic measurement of blade parts. The point planning problem is involved in the point-by-point measurement of the blade profile, and the distribution of the measuring points has an important effect on the measuring speed, matching and measuring accuracy. Two adaptive programming algorithms for measuring points based on curved surface, the centroid system method and the rectangular subdivision method, are studied in this paper. The centroid system method uses the centroid balance principle to compare the curvature index of each point to the mass and determines the measuring point position by iteration. The rectangular subdivision method realizes the local replacement of the surface with a plane by setting a threshold. The improved algorithm makes it suitable for free-form surface without analytic expression. The point planning simulation analysis of blade profile is carried out, which lays a foundation for the feature point measurement method which takes account of both accuracy and efficiency. The error influencing factors of in-situ measurement system are analyzed. The results show that the error of moving platform, the nonlinear error of workpiece color pls and the error of inclination angle are more significant. In this paper, the position and pose relations of the moving components of the measurement system are studied, and the motion error model of the measurement system is constructed. According to the Lambert's law of the spatial distribution of scattered light field, the PLS inclination error model is deduced, and the error compensation strategy is proposed according to the two error models. An in situ measurement experiment was carried out to measure the blade back and the blade basin surface of a spacecraft engine blade. The point cloud data of the blade are obtained by using a high precision scanner, and the point adaptive planning is carried out according to the measured surface shape. Design four groups of comparative experiments, each group of experiments to ensure the same number of points, using the characteristic point method and equal step size method to measure. The measured data are interpolated and inversely calculated to match the blade theoretical model and compare the accuracy of different measurement methods. The experimental results show that the system has good performance and can meet the requirements of blade profile detection. The experimental results show that the higher the number of measured points, the higher the accuracy of the reverse surface, and the higher the accuracy of the reverse surface measured by the method of characteristic points is under the same number of measuring points. The advantages of feature point measurement based on adaptive programming are proved.
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