[Abstract]:Large and heavy roller grinder is widely used in metallurgy, papermaking, shipbuilding and other industries for the processing of large rolls and other parts of the key equipment. The grinding accuracy and grinding efficiency are mainly affected by the rotational speed and rotation accuracy of the grinding wheel spindle, and the key to determine the rotational speed and rotation accuracy is the front end liquid static and static radial bearing, which is the core component of the grinding wheel spindle support system. The research object of this paper is the spindle front bearing, which is the core component of the spindle support system of MK84250 large and heavy roller grinder, which is newly developed by Guiyang Huanfeng Machine tool Factory. Based on the calculation and checking of the key factors such as bearing capacity, temperature rise and so on, a simple calculation method suitable for this special structure bearing is obtained, and the correctness of the calculation method is verified by experiments. On this basis, a new structure bearing suitable for the spindle structure of MK84250 grinding wheel is designed, and the feasibility and rationality of the structure are verified by calculation and experiment. 1. The solution process of MK84250 with liquid hydrostatic bearing is studied. The structure of roller grinder and the typical three-oil cavity structure of hydrostatic and hydrostatic bearing are introduced. The bearing stress and bearing working process are analyzed, and the bearing load is determined and the load is calculated. 2. The method of determining the solution region of the bearing dynamic pressure oil film is studied and analyzed. The starting coordinates of the solution domain depend on the determination of the offset angle. In this paper, a new and simple method for calculating the offset angle is presented when the oil film pressure is solved by using the quasi two dimensional method. The design and analysis of the solution flow of the liquid hydrostatic bearing are carried out, and the solving process and key points are introduced in detail. According to the calculation flow, the dimensionality formula of Reynolds equation is deduced, and the dimensionless and dimensionless oil film distribution is obtained by numerical calculation using MATLAB tool. The equation and curve of bearing capacity coefficient eccentricity (S _ 0- 蔚) are obtained by fitting. On this basis, the bearing capacity and temperature rise of bearing under the condition of 45m/s and 60m/s limit velocity are calculated and checked. At the same time, the flow rate, temperature and stiffness of the bearing are tested experimentally. The analysis of the test data proves the correctness and feasibility of the calculation process and method. The research and analysis results show that when the grinding speed of MK84250 grinder is up to 60m/s, the temperature rise of spindle head bearing will be too high and it can not work normally, which requires a series of improvement design for head spindle bearing related components. It is possible to solve the problem of excessive temperature rise. Through analysis and calculation, according to the principle of minimization of revamping cost, the basis and direction of improved design are put forward, and the improved design of hydrostatic oil chamber and bearing width is carried out in order to increase oil flow rate and improve heat dissipation condition. Double row narrow bearing with wide diameter ratio (B/D=0.7) was designed, and the bearing capacity of hydrostatic oil gasket was checked. The structure of the related parts is changed adaptively, such as eccentricity sleeve, annular oil tank and so on. The capillary throttle of the original hydrostatic cavity is analyzed and calculated. The bearing capacity and temperature rise of the new structure bearing are calculated and analyzed by using the method proposed in this paper. The results show that the bearing capacity of the new structure bearing is higher than that of the original MK84250 spindle bearing of the grinding wheel at 45m/s speed. The internal effective temperature of the new bearing fully meets the temperature requirement under the condition of grinding wheel 60m/s, and after preliminary calculation and analysis, when the wheel speed is increased to 70m/s, it can still work normally. At the same time, the temperature rise, oil discharge and stiffness of the new structure bearing are tested, and the data are close to the theoretical calculation data, which verifies the usability of the new structure bearing design.
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