[Abstract]:As an important power source of automobile, ship, diesel locomotive, construction machinery, military equipment and so on, the development of diesel engine plays a key role in industrial progress, economic development and national defense construction of our country. Compared with gasoline engine, diesel engine has the characteristics of durability, energy saving, economy and environmental protection. The mechanical properties of alloy cast iron for cylinder block of WP10 diesel engine are obtained by adding alloying elements such as Cu,Cr,Sn. The casting properties were improved obviously, but the addition of alloy elements also reduced the cutting performance of alloy cast iron, resulting in serious tool wear, which affected the machining efficiency and cost. Cemented carbide coated cutting tools are widely used as tool materials for machining alloy cast iron due to their high wear resistance and high stability. For alloying cast iron, the tool material (including coating material) can be reasonably matched. Selecting suitable tool material (including coating material) can prolong the tool life, reduce the machining cost and improve the machining efficiency. In this paper, the matching properties of tool matrix and coating material of alloy cast iron for diesel engine cylinder block are studied. The main contents are as follows: (1) the chemistry of alloy cast iron and cemented carbide is studied by high temperature diffusion experiment. Physical and mechanical properties match. Based on the matching of chemical properties, the diffusion of elements between cast iron and YG type cemented carbides appears at high temperature, and the diffusion between Fe and W is more obvious than that between cast iron and YG cemented carbides at high temperature. The diffusion of Fe in alloy cast iron to YG cemented carbide is very significant, and the diffusion depth increases with the increase of Co content in the cutting tool material, but the diffusion of W to alloy cast iron in the cutting tool material has little relationship with the grade of the cutting tool material. Starting from physical and mechanical matching, YG6X,YG6A has high hardness and other performance indexes are more balanced. It is suitable for finishing and semi-finishing. YG8 has high impact toughness and strong bending strength. It is suitable for rough machining. (2) the matching of alloy cast iron with coating material is studied by high temperature oxidation experiment, high temperature diffusion experiment and cutting experiment. It is found that the diffusion of elements between CVD and cast iron is very small at high temperature, and the diffusion within the tool only occurs at a relatively high temperature. The diffusion properties of TiN of PCVD and TiAlN of PVD were excellent. The diffusion of elements between TiN of PCVD and TiAlN of PVD was observed with the alloy cast iron and the tool interior at low temperature, and the diffusion resistance was poor. The results of cutting experiments show that the wear of (Ti,Al) N-Ti (Con N)-TiN F40M coated cemented carbide tool is less than that of MK1500 coated cemented carbide tool with Ti (Con N) -A1203 material in cutting alloy cast iron tool. Lower surface roughness; However, in the early stage of cutting, it is easier to wear, and there is a phenomenon of breakage. (3) the failure modes of cutting tools in the process of plane finishing, semi-finishing and rough machining of diesel engine cylinder block are studied. It is found that the main wear forms in alloy cast iron machining are breakage, tool coating exfoliation, flake of cutting tool matrix, microcrack, hard spot wear, bond wear and diffusion wear. This study has a certain guiding effect on the selection of cutting tool substrate and coating material used for diesel engine cylinder block alloying cast iron.
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