[Abstract]:The cladding tube is the first safety barrier in the reactor. It will withstand the combined action of the fission gas internal pressure and the mechanical stress between the pellet and the cladding during the service, and the deformation mainly occurs in the circumferential direction of the cladding tube. It is difficult to accurately evaluate the true force of cladding tube by using traditional axial tensile test method. In view of this, 316Ti austenitic stainless steel, a candidate material for lead-based reactor cladding, is studied in this paper. Firstly, the dimension and friction coefficient of the tubular annular tensile specimen are optimized by the combination of numerical calculation and toroidal tensile test. Then the effects of temperature and tensile rate on the circumferential mechanical properties of 316Ti cladding tube were investigated. The main research contents and conclusions are as follows: the influence of the width of the specimen distance and the friction coefficient between the clamps on the stress and strain distribution of the specimen is studied by using the Abaqus finite element software. The results show that the stress distribution is more uniform when the width of the specimen is 2 mm, which is helpful to prevent the stress concentration, and the stress of the distance section increases with the increase of friction coefficient. Based on the results of numerical simulation, the effect of the width of the distance section and the lubricant on the circumferential tension was tested. The results show that although the width of the spaced segment has little effect on the strength, the specimen with the width of the spaced segment 2mm exhibits better plasticity. The strength of the specimen increases with the increase of the friction force, so graphite with less friction is chosen as the lubricant between the circumferential tensile specimen and the fixture. Based on the optimized sample size and lubricant selection scheme, the effects of temperature and tensile rate on the circumferential tensile properties of 316Ti cladding tubes were investigated. The results show that the tensile strength and yield strength decrease with the increase of temperature, and the deformation decreases first and then increases with the increase of temperature. Dynamic strain aging (DSA) phenomenon occurred at different tensile rates, and there was a DSA sensitive temperature range at different tensile rates. With the increase of tensile rate, the DSA sensitive temperature range moved to high temperature. Based on the microstructure analysis and the calculation of the activation energy of solute diffusion, it is considered that the repeated pinning and de-pinning between C and N interstitial solute atoms and moving dislocations in 316Ti is the essence of the DSA phenomenon. The results of this paper can provide guidance for the study of the circumferential performance of the cladding tubes of lead-based reactors and provide data support for the design and safety analysis of lead-based reactors.
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