[Abstract]:At present, the design of casting feeding system is mainly based on artificial experience to divide the structure, and then according to the accumulated experience in long-term production method to calculate, some of the designed feeding system is unreasonable, dimension error, Sometimes the internal defects of castings can not be eliminated; However, casting simulation software has been widely used to simulate the casting process and predict the defects. Therefore, the combination of process design and numerical simulation technology will be the main development direction of foundry industry in the future. By designing the feeding system of simple parts (ZL101) and studying the relationship between solidification time and riser size, a model of feeding system based on numerical simulation is found. At the same time, the common design methods of the gating system are summarized, and the design model of the gating system is found out. The My Eclipse software is used as the system development platform, the Java language is used to compile the script program, and the database is created and managed by MySQL and JDBC components. Through compiling and connecting the platform, the development of casting process aided design platform for ZL101 is completed. Finally, the accuracy and reliability of the system are verified by the numerical simulation of the filter cover and pump shell. The design of the casting gating system is completed by the analysis and calculation of the input conditions of the ZL101 casting process aided design platform. Then the casting and the gating system are numerically simulated. According to the solidification time of the defect in the simulation results, the feeding system is designed, and the shrinkage of the isolated molten pool where the defect is located is verified. Finally, the optimal design scheme of the feeding system is obtained. The user interface of this system is intuitionistic and easy to understand, the data stock in the database is large, the tedious operation and a large number of process data search are carried out in the background, which makes the design process scientific and reasonable, and improves the casting production process and the product quality. Reducing the development cycle has certain guiding significance.
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