[Abstract]:Aiming at the defects of sickle bending of rough-rolled slab, which often puzzles hot rolling production, this paper analyzes the main factors that cause the bending of slab sickle, such as the longitudinal stiffness deviation of both sides of the mill, the feed wedge and the running deviation of the rolling piece, combined with the spring equation and the analytical method. The corresponding adjustment amount is calculated, and the control model of sickle bending leveling based on rolling force difference on both sides of rolling mill is established. The model can reflect the quantitative relationship between the main factors such as the longitudinal stiffness difference between the two sides of the mill, the feed wedge and the running deviation of the rolling piece and the sickle bend, and then calculate the roll slant adjustment value of each pass of the roughing mill which controls the sickle bending. The results show that the average ratio of measured value to calculated value is 0.977. The results show that the sickle bending and leveling model can predict the roll slant adjustment value of each pass of slab. When the model was put into 2250 mm hot rolling mill, the bending rate of sickle was decreased from 24.88% to 6.62%, which improved the control effect of sickle and greatly alleviated the problem of scythe bending in rough-rolled slab.
【作者单位】: 北京首钢自动化信息技术有限公司自动化研究所;北京科技大学国家板带生产先进装备工程技术研究中心;
【基金】:国家“十二五”科技支撑计划资助项目(2015BAF30B01) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51304017)
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