[Abstract]:Mould processing is often used to change the shape of parts in industrial production. It is an important means and developing direction of modern industrial production to adopt mould to produce parts, and efficient die processing technology is one of the key technologies of die manufacturing. The process of mold processing is very important. At present, even with the most advanced NC programming software, CNC operators are also needed to compile reasonable machining technology and select suitable NC equipment, tools, fixtures, cutting parameters and so on. The machining efficiency and quality of NC equipment are largely determined by the level of process programmer. In this paper, the high efficiency machining technology of complex die surface and the measures to realize milling method in die are analyzed, and the influence of milling process parameters on tool wear and surface roughness is studied through milling experiment. Matlab software is used to draw the trajectory diagram and analyze the law of influence, so as to establish the tool combination and reasonable cutting parameters. On this basis, the application of complex die surface is studied. Taking the core of flowing water lamp mould as an example, using UG NX as the platform, the processing technology of the part is analyzed, and the processing technology scheme is determined, and the coarse and semi-fine mold core is put forward. The method of tool combination in finishing machining, and the comparison and analysis of rough, semi-fine and finishing tools are carried out to provide suitable tool structure and milling parameters. In addition, through the establishment of mathematical model, the main problems of the processing of complex die surface, the problems of adding and decreasing speed and corner over-cutting interference, are studied emphatically. Finally, the programming and machining of the parts are completed, and the process scheme is designed for the technologists. Provide guidance and reference for solving practical process problems.
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