[Abstract]:The dry sliding friction and wear tests were carried out on the 20CrNi2Mo ring under the contact load of 100120150 N by using the MMU-10 tester at a speed of 0.13 m / s. The surface and cross section of friction and wear ring were characterized by SEM,EDS,EBSD. The results show that when the contact load is 150 N, the friction coefficient is the lowest and the wear is the largest. Friction heat leads to serious oxidation and bonding phenomena on the worn surface, and the wear mechanism is composed of oxidation wear, abrasive wear and adhesive wear. The wear results in the change of the subsurface structure and the appearance of severe plastic deformation layer and martensite deformation layer. The cross section EBSD analysis results reflect the strain from the surface to the subsurface, and the quality of the EBSD chrysanthemum pattern gradually increases from the surface to the depth. Using EBSD image segmentation and Band Contrast average solution can accurately find out the end region of the deformed layer caused by wear.
【作者单位】: 贵州大学机械工程学院;贵州交通职业技术学院;贵州大学材料与冶金学院;贵州省材料结构与强度重点实验室;贵州大学高性能金属结构材料与制造技术国家地方联合工程实验室;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51671060) 黔科合重大专项资助项目(20146012) 黔科合资助项目(JZ20142003)
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