[Abstract]:Distributed storage system is the core technology in cloud computing. With the emergence of storage-as-a-service cloud computing business model, the amount of data stored in the cloud is increasing rapidly, and people's requirements for data security, data sharing, data management and so on are gradually increasing. Cloud storage service providers are facing enormous storage pressure behind the scenes. Metadata is a concept in distributed storage system, which describes the namespace and attributes of stored data. Because the nature and operation mode of metadata are more complex than ordinary data, the requirement of performance, concurrency and security is very high. Therefore, the management of metadata in the system has always been the focus and difficulty in the design of distributed storage system. Based on the large-scale distributed file system (C-STORE), this paper describes the design and implementation of metadata management subsystem in detail. The sub-system uses a three-layer hashing mechanism to implement the architecture of metadata storage and load balancing scheduling, which makes the system have better scalability. In storage, the metadata management subsystem makes full use of the efficient characteristics of the local file system to improve the performance of all aspects as far as possible; in the organization, metadata isolation is based on the user, which provides the security of the data of the user. Efficient and complete log management and synchronization are designed to meet the consistency requirements of the file system when users log in at multiple points. The sub-system also introduces Master-Standby dual copy synchronization mechanism to ensure the availability of the metadata of the system. The metadata management subsystem is realized by using asynchronous event-driven network programming model in Linux environment, which makes full use of the software and hardware resources of the server and improves the throughput of the system. After testing, the metadata management subsystem can fully meet the needs of users in metadata management for public cloud-oriented storage services. In terms of performance, compared with the current industry has been very mature and widely used of PVFS, advantages.
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