发布时间:2017-12-31 00:43
本文关键词:正交面齿轮传动的弯曲应力计算方法及试验研究 出处:《南京航空航天大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:面齿轮传动是圆柱齿轮与面齿轮相啮合,,实现类似圆锥齿轮空间相交或交错传动的新型齿轮传动。由于国内对面齿轮传动的研究起步较晚,对面齿轮弯曲应力计算方法研究还处于集中载荷加载方式的理论研究阶段,尚未开展相关的验证试验。为了进一步研究面齿轮弯曲应力计算方法,并对弯曲应力计算方法进行试验验证,本文就面齿轮传动的弯曲应力计算方法及其试验进行研究,为面齿轮的工程应用打下基础。 首先,运用有限元法对正交面齿轮传动的弯曲应力进行研究。在对正交面齿轮传动的弯曲应力进行分析和计算公式拟合时,先根据正交试验法的原理,运用正交表确定有限元法分析模型的因素和水平,分集中载荷加载和均布载荷加载2种加载方式,对正交面齿轮传动的弯曲应力进行有限元分析,获得正交面齿轮传动在2种载荷加载方式下的弯曲应力分布规律;再运用最小二乘法对有限元分析结果进行拟合,得出正交面齿轮传动在2种加载方式下的弯曲应力计算公式;最后对2种载荷加载方式下的拟合计算公式值与有限元法分析值的相对误差进行分析研究,验证2种载荷加载方式下正交面齿轮传动的弯曲应力拟合计算公式的合理性。 其次,运用试验法对正交面齿轮传动的弯曲应力进行研究。先根据正交面齿轮传动的啮合关系,设计出适合正交面齿轮传动的弯曲应力试验用夹具;再对与有限元分析模型参数相同的正交面齿轮的弯曲应力进行测量试验;最后分析试验测试值与2种载荷加载方式下的拟合计算公式计算值的相对误差。根据本文相对误差分析结果,提出拟合计算公式的修正系数为0.92,为正交面齿轮强度校核和深入研究奠定基础。 最后,根据本文对正交面齿轮传动的弯曲应力计算方法及试验研究结果,编写了正交面齿轮传动的弯曲应力计算程序,开发了计算软件模块。此软件模块通过输入正交面齿轮传动的基本参数和工况条件,可以计算出正交面齿轮传动的弯曲应力和安全系数,实现正交面齿轮传动的弯曲应力计算和强度校核参数化。
[Abstract]:Face gear drive is cylindrical gear and gear meshing, gear transmission model to achieve a similar space intersection or bevel gear transmission. Because of the staggered domestic face gear starts late, the stress calculation method research is still in the stage of theoretical research on load - bending face gear, has not yet been carried out tests related to. Bending stress calculation method for further research on face gear, and calculation method of the bending stress test, the face gear bending stress calculation method and test research, lay the foundation for the engineering application of the face gear.
First of all, using the finite element method for bending of orthogonal face gear stress were studied. The bending stress of gear transmission orthogonal analysis and calculation formula, according to the principle of the orthogonal test, using orthogonal table to determine the finite element method to analyze the factors and levels of the model, loading and concentration cloth loading 2 kinds of loading mode, the bending of orthogonal face gear stress finite element analysis, bending of orthogonal face gear drive in 2 loading mode in the distribution of stress; and then use the least squares method to fit the results of finite element analysis, the orthogonal face gear drive in 2 kinds of bending load the stress calculation formula; finally the fitting 2 loading mode calculation formula and finite element method analysis of relative error value analysis, verify the 2 loading modes are The reasonableness of the bending stress fitting formula of the surface gear drive.
Secondly, using the method of bending test of orthogonal face gear stress is studied. According to the orthogonal face gear drive meshing relationship, design a suitable bending of orthogonal face gear transmission should clamp force test; then the measurement test on the bending stress and the finite element analysis model of the orthogonal face gear parameters of the same relative; finally, the error formula for calculating the value analysis and fitting the test value and 2 kinds of loading modes. According to the relative error of the results of the analysis, put forward the correction coefficient of fitting formula is 0.92, and laid the foundation for the orthogonal face gear strength analysis and in-depth study.
Finally, according to the orthogonal face gear bending stress calculation method and test results, preparation of orthogonal face gear drive bending stress calculation program, calculation software is developed. This software module module through the basic parameters and working conditions of the input of the orthogonal face gear drive, can calculate the bending of orthogonal face gear drive the stress and safety factor, realize the bending of orthogonal face gear transmission stress calculation and strength check parameters.
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