本文关键词:风电增速器行星轮系动态性能分析与参数优化 出处:《大连理工大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 大功率风力机传动系统 非线性耦合 动力学特性 振动响应
【摘要】:目前,风电装备正朝着大型化和高可靠性方向不断发展,对于风机设计和运行维护等方面提出了更高的要求。风机传动系统面临独特的动力学问题,同时风电装备在全寿命区间上的复杂随机载荷历程也使得风机传动系统的设计和计算有了与以往不同的特点。这些都使得风电装备动力学基础理论和动态性能分析具有非常深刻的意义。 本文以大功率风电增速齿轮箱的两级行星轮系为研究对象,以齿轮动力学的振动理论为基础,以数值仿真分析为手段,对两级行星轮系的动力学特性和振动行为进行了研究,并对齿轮箱的设计参数进行优化设计以达到减振降噪的目的。 首先,建立系统动力学模型和分析模型。根据齿轮系统自身的特点,采用集中质量法建立了两级行星轮系的弯—扭—轴耦合非线性动力学模型,在模型中综合考虑误差激励、时变啮合刚度激励和齿侧间隙等影响因素。在动力学模型的基础上建立了两级系统的非线性时变分析模型。 第二,分析系统的动力学特性:以固有特性计算理论为依据,分别对第一级、第二级和两级耦合行星轮系的固有频率进行了计算,并总结得到了各自的振动模式,在此基础上,研究了时变啮合刚度、行星架扭转刚度、太阳轮和行星轮的支撑刚度以及各轮质量对系统固有频率的影响。 第三,研究系统的振动行为:利用双参数威布尔分布模拟风电齿轮箱的外部变载激励,对两级行星轮系的非线性变参数微分方程组进行无量纲化处理,通过对无量纲化后的方程组求解得到系统各自由度振幅的位移响应和各扭转自由度上的相图曲线和庞加莱图。研究了输入转速和连接轴的扭转刚度对系统位移振幅的影响规律。 最后,以减振降噪为目标对系统进行优化设计:以系统加速度峰值最小为目标,以行星轮系能够正确传动和保证系统强度满足要求为约束条件,建立基于动力学的参数优化设计模型,并对其参数进行优化设计。从优化前后结果对比可知,系统最大加速度峰值得到降低,其他各构件加速度也保持在较低数值,系统体积得以减小,达到了减振降噪和系统体积轻量化的目的。
[Abstract]:At present, wind power equipment is moving in the direction of large scale and high reliability for the continuous development of the wind turbine design and operation and maintenance and put forward higher requirements. Dynamics of the unique face of the wind machine drive system, and wind power in the whole life of the interval complex random load process equipment makes the design and fan drive a computing system with different characteristics. All these make the wind power equipment dynamic theory and dynamic performance analysis has a very profound meaning.
In this paper, two planetary gear system of high-power wind turbine gearbox as the research object, the vibration theory of gear dynamics based on numerical simulation method, the two planetary gear system dynamics and vibration behavior were studied, and the design parameters of the gearbox optimized design to reduce vibration and noise purpose.
First, establish a system dynamics model and analysis model. According to the characteristics of the gear system, the establishment of the two planetary gear bending and torsional axis coupling nonlinear dynamic model with lumped mass method, the model error excitation considering time-varying meshing stiffness excitation factors and backlash effect. Based on dynamic model on the two level system of nonlinear time-varying model.
Second, dynamic characteristics analysis system: the inherent characteristics of computing theory, respectively, in the first stage, the natural frequency of second and two coupled planetary gear train was calculated, and summarized the vibration mode respectively, on the basis of this research, the time-varying mesh stiffness, the torsional rigidity of the planetary frame, the sun wheel and planetary wheel supporting stiffness and the influence of wheel quality on the natural frequency of the system.
Third, vibration behavior of the system: external Weibull distribution simulation of wind turbine gearbox variable load excitation using two parameters, the parameters of differential equations dimensionless variable of nonlinear two stage planetary gear train, the displacement response of the dimensionless equations of the system of each degree of freedom and the torsion amplitude the degrees of freedom curve and Poincare map. On the reverse input speed and the connecting shaft stiffness influence on the displacement amplitude of the system.
Finally, the vibration and noise reduction as the goal to optimize the design of the system: in order to minimize the system peak acceleration, with planetary gear transmission and can ensure the system strength meets the requirements as constraint conditions, a parameter optimization design model based on the dynamics and its parameters are optimized. From the optimization results before and after comparison, the maximum acceleration system the peak has been reduced and the other components of the acceleration at low value, system volume can be reduced, the vibration and noise reduction system and achieve the purpose of lightweight volume.
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