本文选题:磁悬浮盘片系统 + 磁悬浮飞车 ; 参考:《武汉理工大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:在一个完整的磁悬浮旋转支承结构中,要实现被支承体的稳定运转,需要限制除转动以外的其他五个自由度;而在一个完整的磁悬浮移动支承结构中,要实现被支承体的稳定移动,需要限制除移动以外的其他五个自由度。但是,很多设备正向小型化、微型化的方向发展,传统的五自由度磁力轴承的支承结构和控制系统比较复杂,不利于应用于小型化磁悬浮设备。本文研究磁场的向心效应约束磁悬浮系统的部分自由度,从而简化支承结构和控制系统。 首先,本文以磁悬浮盘片系统和磁悬浮飞车为研究对象,分别对两者进行磁场向心效应的实验测定,在实验测定的基础上,探讨了利用ANSYS有限元软件计算磁悬浮系统向心力的方法,而且ANSYS的计算结果与实验测定结果较好地匹配,通过两种方法的结果得出:(1)当被支承体在偏移状态时,气隙平面确实存在切向力,即向心力;(2)两种方法都可以找到被支承体在水平干扰力下的失稳点,即可以找到被支承体在水平干扰力下的极限偏移量,即可以找到被支承体的抗水平干扰力的范围;(3)要更好地利用磁场向心效应,在磁悬浮系统支承结构设计时,电磁铁的数目、电磁铁的布置方式和衔铁的形状都是影响因素。其次,在本文的两自由度磁悬浮飞车的结构设计中,利用磁场的向心效应约束两个自由度以简化装置,而磁悬浮飞车能够实现稳定悬浮的事实说明:可以利用磁场向心效应约束磁悬浮系统的部分自由度,这样可以减少电磁铁的数量,从而缩小结构并简化控制系统,因此说明:利用磁场的向心效应有利于将磁力轴承应用于小型化磁悬浮设备中。 研究并计算磁力轴承向心力和被支承体的极限偏移量有两大意义:(1)扩大磁力轴承在小型化、微型化磁悬浮设备的应用领域,(2)优化磁悬浮系统的支承部分的结构设计,从而有效简化控制系统并缩小磁悬浮系统装置。
[Abstract]:In a complete maglev rotating support structure, in order to realize the steady operation of the supported body, it is necessary to limit the other five degrees of freedom other than rotation, while in a complete maglev moving support structure, In order to realize the steady movement of the supported body, the other five degrees of freedom other than movement should be restricted. However, many equipments are developing in the direction of miniaturization and miniaturization. The support structure and control system of traditional 5-DOF magnetic bearings are complex, which is not conducive to the application of miniaturized magnetic levitation equipment. In this paper, the partial degree of freedom of the magnetic suspension system constrained by the centripetal effect of the magnetic field is studied, thus simplifying the supporting structure and the control system. Firstly, the magnetic levitation disk system and the maglev flying vehicle are studied in this paper. The method of calculating the centripetal force of maglev system by using ANSYS finite element software is discussed, and the calculated results of ANSYS are in good agreement with the experimental results. Through the results of the two methods, it is concluded that: 1) when the supported body is in the state of deviation, There is a tangential force in the air gap plane, that is, the centripetal force.) both methods can find the instability point of the supported body under the horizontal disturbance force, that is, the limit offset of the supported body under the horizontal disturbance force. That is to say, it can be found that the range of resistance to horizontal interference of the supported body is to make better use of the concentric effect of magnetic field. In the design of the supporting structure of the magnetic suspension system, the number of the electromagnet, the arrangement of the electromagnet and the shape of the armature are all the influencing factors. Secondly, in the structural design of the two-degree-of-freedom maglev flying vehicle, the two degrees of freedom are constrained by the centripetal effect of the magnetic field to simplify the device. The fact that the maglev flying vehicle can realize stable suspension shows that some degrees of freedom of the magnetic levitation system can be restricted by using the concentric effect of the magnetic field, thus reducing the number of electromagnets, thus reducing the structure and simplifying the control system. Therefore, the use of the concentric effect of magnetic field is beneficial to the application of magnetic bearings in miniaturized maglev equipment. The study and calculation of the centripetal force of magnetic bearing and the limit offset of supporting body have two great meanings: 1) expand the application field of magnetic bearing in miniaturization and miniaturization, and optimize the structure design of the supporting part of magnetic levitation system. Thus effectively simplify the control system and reduce the magnetic levitation system device.
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