本文选题:塔式起重机 + 几何非线性 ; 参考:《太原科技大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:由于我国高层建筑的增多、工期的紧迫性,,这样必然要求用于高层建筑的塔式起重机的高度越高、使用更频繁;金属结构的极限状态设计方法在起重机上的广泛应用,塔式起重机金属结构在最大设计载荷下的非弹性与稳定性效应做到了全面合理的考虑,塔机的线弹性分析设计已经满足不了需求,塔机经常工作在大位移小应变的几何非线性范畴。 在这种趋势下,塔机结构柔度增大,动静态变形也增大。对于塔机的杆件而言,变形很小是小应变状态,塔机总体是大位移,这样来说属于大位移几何非线性范畴。塔机结构主要承受压弯载荷,压力载荷会降低结构的刚度。当结构发生大位移变形时,基于小位移假定的线性分析会导致较大的误差,传统的小位移线性分析已经满足不了现代工程实际的要求,所以必须对塔机结构采用大位移分析。 本文以结构几何非线性有限元理论为基础,把影响塔机塔身水平侧移的大位移小应变的几何非线性的高阶项考虑进去,建立了塔机塔身在轴向力、弯矩和水平力作用下力和位移的刚度方程,利用FORTRAN语言编程求解;另外,利用有限元软件ANSYS分析塔机的几何非线性侧移,两种方法下的数值计算结果,与SAP2000计算的塔机塔身水平线弹性侧移比较其非线性侧移比线弹性侧移大13%左右,说明了塔机静刚度的修改是合理的,并且对塔机的动静刚度提供准确的数据支撑,为塔机的截面设计提供参考。 对塔式起重机利用计算机建立虚拟样机模型,对各机构、结构在一定的工况下进行动力学仿真分析,得到塔机虚拟样机在某一工况下的相关动力学响应,为实际中的塔机设计和校核提供有力的数据支持。 本文以F_120B塔机为研究对象,在三维软件Pro/E中建立塔机的简化模型,通过其与动力学仿真软件ADAMS的接口软件Mechanism/Pro导入到ADAMS中,利用ANAYS生成的起重臂的模态中性文件,导入到ADAMS中,建立塔身起重机的刚柔耦合虚拟样机模型,实现在不同工况组合下塔机的多体动力学仿真,可以为塔机设计的完善和优化提供数据支持,有效的缩短产品设计周期并且降低产品的研究费用。
[Abstract]:Because of the increase of high-rise buildings and the urgency of the construction period in our country, the higher the height of tower cranes used in high-rise buildings, the more frequently they are used, and the wide application of the limit state design method of metal structures in cranes. The inelastic and stability effects of tower crane metal structure under maximum design load have been considered comprehensively and reasonably, and the linear elastic analysis design of tower crane can not meet the demand. Tower cranes often work in the geometric nonlinear category of large displacement and small strain. Under this trend, the structural flexibility of tower crane increases, and the dynamic and static deformation also increases. For the tower crane, the small deformation is a small strain state, and the tower crane is a large displacement, which belongs to the geometric nonlinear category of large displacement. Tower crane structure is mainly subjected to bending load, pressure load will reduce the stiffness of the structure. When the large displacement deformation occurs, the linear analysis based on the small displacement assumption will lead to a large error. The traditional small displacement linear analysis can not meet the requirements of modern engineering, so it is necessary to use the large displacement analysis for the tower crane structure. Based on the finite element theory of structural geometric nonlinearity and taking into account the high order term of geometric nonlinearity which affects the horizontal displacement and small strain of tower body, the axial force of tower body is established. The stiffness equation of force and displacement under the action of bending moment and horizontal force is solved by FORTRAN language, in addition, the geometric nonlinear lateral displacement of tower crane is analyzed by finite element software ANSYS. Compared with the horizontal displacement of tower calculated by SAP2000, the nonlinear lateral displacement is about 13% larger than the linear elastic lateral displacement, which shows that the modification of static stiffness of tower crane is reasonable, and provides accurate data support for the static and static stiffness of tower crane. It provides reference for the section design of tower crane. The virtual prototype model of tower crane is established by computer. The dynamic simulation analysis of each mechanism and structure is carried out under a certain working condition, and the dynamic response of the tower crane virtual prototype under a certain working condition is obtained. To provide effective data support for tower crane design and check in practice. In this paper, a simplified model of the tower crane is established in the 3D software Pro-E, which is imported into Adams by means of the interface software Mechanism / Pro of the dynamic simulation software Adams, and the modal neutral file of the starting arm generated by Anays is imported into Adams by using the modal neutral file generated by ANAYS. The rigid-flexible coupling virtual prototype model of tower crane is established, and the multi-body dynamics simulation of tower crane under different working conditions is realized, which can provide data support for the improvement and optimization of tower crane design. Effectively shorten the product design cycle and reduce the cost of product research.
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