[Abstract]:It is one of the effective ways to improve and improve the comprehensive performance of machine tools by researching and developing new machine tool base materials with superior performance. Resin mineral composite is also called artificial stone. Its outstanding advantage is that it has good damping property and is about 10 times as high as ordinary gray cast iron. It is suitable for manufacturing the basic parts of equipment such as high speed and precision machining machine tools, and can satisfy the high speed of machine tools. Precision and high thermal stability requirements. Aiming at the disadvantage of poor mechanical properties of resin mineral composites, the high strength molybdenum fiber was used to improve its mechanical properties. The old molybdenum fiber is an abandoned molybdenum wire material in WEDM, and a large number of discharge pits are distributed randomly on the surface. The physical model of molybdenum fiber reinforced resin mineral composite was established, and the interfacial mechanism of molybdenum fiber reinforced resin mineral composite was analyzed, and the interfacial bonding mode between molybdenum fiber and resin matrix was obtained. The interfacial bonding between the resin matrix and the old molybdenum fiber is established by mechanical locking, the soakage of the liquid to the solid surface and the diffusion of atoms or molecules; the surface of the new molybdenum fiber is smooth and the mechanical locking phenomenon can be neglected. The interfacial bonding is mainly through the infiltration of liquid to the solid surface and the diffusion of atoms or molecules. The test results of tensile properties of new and old molybdenum fibers show that the plastic deformation stage of old and old molybdenum fibers is very short and there is no plastic strain, so it is more suitable for reinforcing resin mineral composites. A finite element model for the analysis of interfacial bond strength and interfacial slip resistance between molybdenum fiber and resin matrix is established. The results show that the old molybdenum fiber is better than new molybdenum fiber in limiting the mechanical deformation and bearing load of the composite. When the slip resistance of the interface is smaller than the tensile strength limit of the molybdenum fiber, the maximum load of the molybdenum fiber reinforced resin mineral composite is directly proportional to the number of discharge pits. Compared with the new molybdenum fiber, the interfacial slip resistance between the old molybdenum fiber and the resin matrix is greater, and it can bear more loads on the debonding surface and play a better strengthening role. The flexural strength and compressive strength of the new and old molybdenum fiber reinforced resin mineral composites were studied. The results show that the new and old molybdenum fibers can play a reinforcing effect, and the reinforcement effect of the old molybdenum fiber is better and the cost is lower. Among them, the compressive strength and flexural strength of new molybdenum fiber reinforced resin mineral composites were increased by 4.9 and 22.6respectively, and the compressive strength and flexural strength of old molybdenum fiber reinforced resin mineral composites were increased by 12.7and 32.5, respectively. The reinforcement mechanism of linear molybdenum fiber and special-shaped molybdenum fiber on resin mineral composite was studied. The drawing model of special-shaped molybdenum fiber was established. The expression of the maximum drawing force of four special-shaped molybdenum fibers was given, and the bending deformation angle was the same. When the stress concentration is small, the order of the maximum drawing force of the four molybdenum fibers is: W shape U shape N shape V shape. The flexural strength and compressive strength of four kinds of special-shaped aluminum fiber reinforced resin mineral composites were tested. The results showed that the reinforcement effect of special-shaped molybdenum fiber on the mechanical properties of resin mineral composite was better than that of linear molybdenum fiber. The W-shaped molybdenum fiber has the best reinforcing effect, which is consistent with the theoretical analysis.
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