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发布时间:2018-07-18 07:49
【摘要】:齿轮传动由于具有承载能力大、传动精度高、传动功率恒定等特点,所以被广泛的应用于机械、汽车、航天航空等各个领域。但是由于齿轮系统本身的结构复杂、工作环境恶劣等因素的影响,使得齿轮传动系统往往很容易出现故障。其中有些故障会对生产造成很大的影响,甚至可能引发严重的安全事故,所以避免齿轮传动系统发生故障具有非常重要的意义。而在齿轮传动系统故障中,有高达60%的故障是由齿轮类故障引发的,因此齿轮故障的研究成为了一项十分重要的工作。 在齿轮的各种失效形式中,齿根裂纹的存在往往会降低轮齿的啮合刚度,使轮齿齿廓偏离啮合位置,导致轮齿不能正确啮合,在故障轮齿入啮和脱啮时引起的冲击载荷进一步增大,如果形成恶性循环,裂纹就会迅速扩展,最终导致断齿或其它事故的发生,所以掌握裂纹在系统运转过程中的动态响应,就显得尤为重要了。利用计算机对齿轮传动系统进行动态仿真,既可以模拟其运行行为和工作状态,还可以证实该系统功能和性能的可用性及可靠性,从而降低设计成本,缩短开发周期,并提高产品的可靠性。因此,本文通过有限元分析和数值计算相结合的方法模拟了单级齿轮传动系统在有、无裂纹状态下系统的动态响应,主要完成了以下几方面的工作: 1)对齿轮常见的失效形式、特征及影响齿轮失效的主要因素进行了分析。 2)通过ANSYS的APDL语言,采用自底向上的建模方法分别建立无故障和含齿根裂纹的两对标准渐开线直齿圆柱齿轮的有限元模型,通过有限元分析得到齿轮副啮合过程中接触点的应力云图和齿轮的扭转角度。 3)利用有限元分析得到的齿轮啮合扭转角计算出一定扭矩下,轮齿完成一次啮合时所有位置的扭转啮合刚度值,分别得到有、无裂纹齿轮的扭转啮合刚度曲线,并对两条曲线的变化规律和存在的差异进行比较分析。 4)建立齿轮传动系统的动力学模型,采用MATLAB的数值计算方法对动力学方程组进行求解,分别得到有裂纹和无裂纹齿轮系统的动力学仿真曲线,分析裂纹对系统动态响应的影响。 5)设计试验,测量实际运转过程中,齿轮传动系统的动态响应。通过对比试验结果和仿真结果,验证本文采用的模拟方法是有效、可行的。 通过对齿轮传动系统进行整体仿真,掌握齿根裂纹对系统动态响应的影响,从而为齿轮传动系统中齿轮故障诊断的研究提供新方法。
[Abstract]:Gear transmission is widely used in mechanical, automotive, aerospace and other fields because of its high bearing capacity, high transmission precision, constant transmission power and so on. However, due to the complex structure of the gear system and the bad working environment, the gear transmission system is prone to failure. Some of the faults will have a great impact on the production, and may even lead to serious safety accidents, so it is very important to avoid the failure of the gear transmission system. In the gear transmission system, up to 60% of the faults are caused by the gear fault, so the research of gear fault has become a very important work. In all kinds of failure forms of gear, the existence of tooth root crack often reduces the meshing stiffness of gear tooth, makes gear tooth profile deviate from meshing position, and leads to gear tooth not engaging correctly. If a vicious circle is formed, the crack will expand rapidly and eventually lead to the occurrence of tooth breakage or other accidents, so the dynamic response of the crack in the operation of the system can be grasped. It is especially important. The dynamic simulation of gear transmission system by computer can not only simulate its running behavior and working state, but also verify the availability and reliability of the system's function and performance, thus reducing the design cost and shortening the development period. And improve the reliability of the product. Therefore, the dynamic response of single-stage gear transmission system in the presence and absence of cracks is simulated by means of finite element analysis and numerical calculation. The main works are as follows: 1) the common failure forms, characteristics and main factors affecting gear failure are analyzed. 2) the APDL language of ANSYS is used. The bottom-up modeling method is used to establish the finite element models of two pairs of standard involute cylindrical gears without fault and with root crack respectively. The stress cloud diagram of contact point and the torsional angle of gear are obtained by finite element analysis. 3) the gear meshing torsion angle obtained by finite element analysis is calculated under certain torque. The torsional meshing stiffness curve of the gear with no crack is obtained by the torsional meshing stiffness of all positions when the gear tooth is engaged in a single engagement, and the torsional meshing stiffness curve of the gear with no crack is obtained. The dynamic model of gear transmission system is established, and the dynamic equations are solved by the numerical calculation method of MATLAB. The dynamic simulation curves of cracked and cracked gear systems are obtained, and the influence of cracks on the dynamic response of the gear system is analyzed. 5) the dynamic response of the gear transmission system is measured during the actual operation. By comparing the experimental results with the simulation results, it is proved that the simulation method in this paper is effective and feasible. Through the overall simulation of the gear transmission system, the influence of the root crack on the dynamic response of the gear transmission system is grasped, thus providing a new method for the research of gear fault diagnosis in the gear transmission system.


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1 雷新望;风电机组行星齿轮传动系统的动态特性研究[D];郑州大学;2012年




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