[Abstract]:With the rapid development of crane transportation industry, the challenges to crane manufacturers are becoming greater and greater, and the requirements for cranes are becoming more and more stringent. It not only requires the continuous updating and improvement of existing products, but also the development and research of new products. And the research and development content is more and more, the research and development cycle is also getting shorter and shorter, this not only has the high request to the developer technology, but also has the strict request and the urgent demand to the practical development tool. With the development of crane, crane design is faced with more requirements of lifting performance and more complex structure. Because the structure of crane is complex and the working state is changeable, the calculation of crane's lifting capacity is a complicated calculation process. The application of finite element model can solve the automatic assembly calculation of various working states. However, the longer the calculation time and the inapplicability of the calculation model to different products, the application of finite element method is limited, because the more complex the structure is, the greater the pre-processing workload of the finite element model is. Therefore, the efficiency of finite element method will be greatly reduced. Therefore, it is very important to use analytical method to solve the problem. This paper takes the strength performance calculation of the main arm structure of QAY300 all-ground crane produced by Xuzhou heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. As an example, and calculates the structural performance by using the analytical formula of summing up and summing up. Then the results calculated by the finite element method are compared, and the analytical formula is further improved in the process of comparison, which makes the calculation results more reliable. In order to explain the reliability of the platform and the accuracy of calculation, the paper can be divided into four parts: the first part: the compilation of analytical formula, based on the formula provided by the enterprise, in reference to relevant materials, Then complete the calculation formula. The calculation formula is realized by MATLAB software program, and the corresponding calculation results can be outputted. The second part: by using the more mature finite element method in the laboratory, some performance results of QAY300 all-ground crane are calculated and prepared for the next step. In the third part, the results of strength performance of the main arm structure of QAY300 all-ground crane calculated by two methods are compared, and the corresponding conclusions are drawn according to the drawing curves of different arm lengths, which can be used as the basis for the modification of analytical formula. The fourth part: the development of computing platform, the whole development platform design ideas and development process. The shortcomings of the computing platform are summarized, and the next upgrade and application of the platform are prospected. Finally, the computing platform can greatly improve the efficiency of the designers, covering all aspects of the crane design process, such as hydraulic and electrical. In order to make the platform more effective and useful, further communication and cooperation with the design staff is also needed.
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