[Abstract]:The scheduling of manufacturing industry is to plan the processing process. The effective scheduling scheme can reduce the processing time, reduce the inventory, ensure the delivery time, increase the efficiency of the enterprise, and so on. With the fierce competition in the global market and the increasing individuation and diversification of customer demand, people pay more and more attention to the scheduling problem. Replacement flow shop scheduling problem (Permutation Flow Shop Scheduling Problem, PFSP) is a very common and important scheduling method in practical production shop, and it is also a hot spot in job shop scheduling. Based on the particle swarm optimization (Particle Swarm) optimization algorithm and the solution of single objective PFSP, the multiobjective PFSP (Multi-objective PFSPN MPFSP) is studied systematically in this paper. Firstly, the purpose and significance of the research are described, and the algorithms and research situation of single objective and multi-objective scheduling problem in flow shop are summarized. The deficiency of the research and the development trend in the future are analyzed. Secondly, for PFSPs with the goal of minimizing the maximum completion time, a hybrid PSO NE-HPSOs is proposed. The algorithm uses NEH to generate partial initial solution, which improves the quality of initial solution, and uses the minimum position real number sorting rule based on stochastic key representation (Smallest Position value (Smallest Position) to code. In order to enhance the local search ability of the algorithm, the local search based on the variable neighborhood search algorithm (Variable neighborhood search, VNS) is designed, and the neighborhood structure is built based on the critical path. In order to verify the validity of the algorithm, the validity of the algorithm is verified by using the Taillard benchmark set, and the results obtained are compared with those obtained in the problem. Then, based on the study of single objective PFSP problem, the multi-objective PFSP problem is studied. Considering the characteristics of each target of MPFSP, four heuristic algorithms, NEH / SPT / EDD and CDS, are used to produce four high quality initial solutions, which can improve the quality of the initial solution. The Pareto solution is stored in the external elite archive set, and the scale of the external elite archive set is maintained by clustering. A distance-based method is designed to keep the diversity of the population. The local search for the Pareto solution in the external elite archival set is based on the improved VNSs, and the neighborhood structure uses exchange, insert, reverse sequence and Or-opt operations. In order to verify the validity of the algorithm, the Taillard benchmark set is still used in the test example. The algorithm is compared with the improved strength Pareto evolutionary algorithm (Strength Pareto Evolutionary algorithm 2 / SPEA2), which has better effect in solving multi-objective problems. The results are equivalent or better, and the excellent performance of the algorithm is proved. Finally, on the basis of the above theoretical research, a prototype system of permutation shop scheduling problem based on single objective and multi-objective is developed. This paper summarizes the whole paper, and looks forward to the future research work of PSO algorithm and replacement flow shop scheduling.
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