[Abstract]:Surface gear transmission is a new type of gear transmission with the advantages of simple structure, good shunt effect and light weight. It has a broad application prospect in helicopter deceleration system. According to the working characteristics of face gear transmission, the contact mechanics and dynamic characteristics of face gear are studied in order to design high bearing and long life surface gear. The main contents are as follows: surface gear tooth surface design and geometric modeling. According to the principle of surface gear machining and meshing, the tooth surface equation and transition surface equation of surface gear are derived, and the minimum inner radius and maximum outer radius of surface gear without root cutting and tooth top sharpening are solved. The principle of point contact gear transmission is studied, and the generating method of tooth surface meshing line is analyzed. According to the tooth surface equation of pinion and face gear, the geometric model of pinion and face gear is established. Load contact analysis of surface gear transmission. According to the theory of surface gear meshing, the equation of tooth surface engagement locus is derived, and the coordinates of tooth surface meshing point are solved. The curvature of the pinion gear and the surface gear at the tooth surface meshing point is calculated, and the contact stress of the tooth surface meshing point is calculated by Hertz theory, and the distribution of the contact stress on the tooth surface of the face gear is obtained. For grinding surface of gear tooth surface, the contact stress of tooth surface is calculated with three grinding precision grades, and the influence of surface roughness on tooth surface contact stress is obtained. Analysis of dynamic characteristics of face gear transmission. The finite element analysis model of face gear transmission is established, and the dynamic characteristics of plane gear transmission with different pressure angle and number of pinion teeth are simulated, and the influence of pressure angle and number of pinion teeth on meshing performance of face gear transmission is obtained. The vibration characteristics of pinion and face gears are compared at different speeds and the effects of rotational speed on the vibration characteristics of pinion and face gears are analyzed. Experimental study on meshing of face gear transmission. The transmission errors of three kinds of pinion gears are tested on the face gear inspection machine, and the vibration test of three kinds of pinion gears is carried out, and the acceleration time domain diagram and frequency spectrum of pinion gear and face gear are obtained. The theoretical analysis results are verified.
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