[Abstract]:The economic globalization has changed the manufacturing industry greatly. Manufacturing enterprises must use the resources scattered around the world and respond to the market in a faster, better and more economical way through the dynamic optimal scheduling of manufacturing resources. In this situation, manufacturing grid (Manufacturing Grid,MG) emerges as the times require, and its goal is to realize resource sharing and collaborative work, so the optimal scheduling of resources is the key problem of manufacturing grid. In this paper, according to the interval characteristic of the key parameters in the process of resource optimal scheduling, how to reasonably schedule resources to different tasks to meet the needs of users is discussed and studied. The main research work is as follows: 1. Analysis of the characteristics of resource scheduling in manufacturing grid. This paper analyzes the specific processes of two kinds of resource scheduling modes, batch processing mode and on-line online mode, and points out the uncertainty in the process of resource optimal scheduling according to the characteristics of manufacturing resources and tasks. It is pointed out that the optimal resource scheduling problem is an interval programming problem. Finally, the existing resource scheduling model is introduced. 2. The interval programming model of resource optimal scheduling in online processing mode is studied. In view of the fact that the price of the resource and the cost limit of the task have the characteristics of interval, the principle of instant service is adopted, which aims at the lowest total cost of the task completion and the maximum benefit of the resource, respectively. The cost limit and the price of the task are converted into interval number, and the task completion time requirement and the resource working time limit are fully considered, and the interval programming model of resource-oriented and task-oriented optimal scheduling is established, respectively. Finally, it is transformed into deterministic model. 3. Research on interval programming model of resource optimal scheduling in batch mode. The mediation node gathers a number of resources arrived in a period of time with a plurality of tasks, aiming at the lowest total cost of the task completion, and converts the price of the resource and the cost limit of the task to an interval number. Considering the time requirement of both, the interval programming model of resource optimal scheduling is established, and the model is transformed. 4. The design and implementation of the optimal scheduling model of manufacturing resources. An example is designed according to the characteristics of the two models, and the results are obtained by software. It is proved that the intermediary node can adjust the size of the risk factor according to the changes of the market, and then adjust the price of the resource and the cost limit of the task in the process of scheduling, and finally find a more suitable scheduling scheme.
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