[Abstract]:Low tooth gear transmission is a single stage gear transmission which can achieve large transmission ratio in small space. In this paper, based on the analysis of tooth profile of involute gear with less tooth number, the design method of tooth profile of gear with high bearing capacity and less tooth number is studied based on the profile design of pinion gear with number of teeth 2. The main work is as follows: by using differential geometry and gear meshing theory, the geometric model and mathematical model of planar meshing transmission with few teeth are established, which provides a theoretical basis for the research of gear pair profile design. The minimum profile limit of gear pair tooth profile is determined based on bending strength theory, and the maximum profile limit of gear pair tooth profile is determined according to gear meshing theory, and the design theory of tooth profile limit region for gear pair safety tooth profile design is put forward. The characteristics of parallel shaft involute bidirectional modified gear transmission are analyzed, and the influence of design parameters on tooth profile is studied. On this basis, the design of a new type of gear with less tooth number of 2 teeth is studied.
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