[Abstract]:Mechanical stepless transmission is usually transmitted by friction, which limits its speed range and bearing capacity. In view of these two problems, we propose to use mechanical stepless transmission to close the two input terminals of differential swing gear train and form the so-called "controlled differential stepless transmission". In this way, the speed range of the mechanical stepless transmission can be expanded or even achieved through the differential synthesis of the swing gear train, or the load carrying capacity of the whole device can be enhanced by the power shunt of the parallel system. At the same time, the precision speed regulation is realized. No matter which one of the above two problems can be solved, the application of mechanical stepless transmission can be expanded. The structure of the controlled differential stepless variable transmission is quite complex. The kinematics analysis is carried out, and the determination basis of the device type, the transmission ratio and the speed regulation range are given, and the device is closed in the space structure. It may lead to the generation of circulating power, simple analysis of whether the device has the method of circulating power and power flow calculation method. Finally, the transmission efficiency of the device is analyzed, and the relationship between transmission power and device parameters is deduced. In the past, the speed regulation of the control differential stepless transmission was controlled by the speed control handle, which was both laborious and inaccurate. With the arrival of the modern industrial age, especially the development of modern control technology, Based on the modern control system theory, the automatic speed regulation control system of the control differential stepless transmission is proposed. Based on the analysis of the structure of the control differential stepless transmission, the expression of the governing function is derived theoretically, because the expression of the governing function is too complicated. In addition, the wide V band may slip or stretch in the course of speed regulation, so it is very difficult to realize the accurate speed control with the present control theory, so the least square method is used to fit the experimental sampling data. Finally, the polynomial form of the governing function is obtained, which is the basis of the next control theory. After the adjustment function model of the post control system is established, three general control schemes are proposed, and the servo control system based on the fixed height motion controller is selected and compared. The hardware model of the control system is built after the control scheme is determined. The parameters of the encoder, the fixed height controller, the servo driver and the servo motor are compared and selected by using the specific parameters previously known. Finally, the specific model type is selected, and the hardware system structure is determined. After the hardware system is determined, we use the powerful development software function of Visual C, according to the actual situation that the control type differential stepless transmission is often used in the application, put forward three kinds of speed regulation control mode, compile the man-machine dialogue frame. The operation method and procedure of the operation program are introduced briefly, and the program corresponding to three control modes is developed based on the fixed height motion controller. This paper provides a relatively complete theoretical analysis process for the speed regulation control of the controlled differential stepless variable transmission, and has certain guiding significance for the realization of its automatic speed regulation.
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