[Abstract]:With the increase of rotating speed and performance of rotating machinery, the vibration characteristics of rotor system become the focus of research. Rotor system with gear transmission has been widely used and has become an important research field in rotor. In large rotating machinery, rotor system is the most important component, and the analysis of vibration characteristics of rotor shafting is always one of the necessary problems in this field. The research at home and abroad shows that the study on the bending and torsional characteristics of coupled systems is not very thorough and needs to be further studied. The research results of this problem will be of guiding significance for the identification of the coupled bending and torsional vibration faults. The main contents of this paper are as follows: firstly, the commonly used calculation methods of dynamic characteristics of rotor system are introduced, the dynamic model of helical gear is established, and the basic theoretical basis of finite element method is briefly introduced. According to the basic partition principle of finite element method, by using the powerful drawing function of MATLAB, the two-dimensional visual diagram of uniaxial and multi-axis element partition is realized by programming, and the position of mass point and the position of support are marked out. The multi-axis cell diagram also marks the meshing position of the two-axis meshing. Secondly, the modal analysis of a rotor system is carried out in detail, the change of its inherent characteristics is studied, and the new frequency change characteristics of the coupling system are obtained. The influence of meshing stiffness and supporting stiffness on the natural frequency of coupling system is studied. On the basis of the above analysis, the unbalanced response of the system is analyzed, and the vibration response of the system under different loading modes is obtained. The variation of the meshing force of the system is analyzed in detail, and the meshing force of the system with the velocity is obtained. The law of variation of transfer error and unbalance. The analysis shows that the transmission error and speed have a great influence on the meshing force of the system, and the smaller the transmission error is, the better, so the transmission error optimization should be done well in the design of the gear system. The influence of the unbalance on the meshing force of the system is relatively small. Under normal working conditions, the smaller the unbalance is, the better. Finally, the startup and shutdown characteristics of the system are analyzed, and the startup and shutdown characteristics of the system at constant acceleration and variable acceleration are analyzed respectively. The results show that the selection of acceleration has an important effect on the starting and stopping process. Choosing proper starting and stopping acceleration can not only cross some critical speeds, but also slightly reduce the amplitude of vibration, thus prolonging the service life of the equipment. In addition, it is also shown that the frequency corresponding to the time question of starting and stopping amplitude is consistent with the frequency in the previous chapter, which indicates that this part of the analysis is reasonable in theory.
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