[Abstract]:As an important part of mechanical equipment, gearbox is of great significance for condition monitoring and fault diagnosis. Because the structure of gearbox is complex and the working environment is very bad, the vibration signal of gearbox usually shows non-stationary characteristic when it breaks down, and the fault characteristic information is often buried in the strong background noise. Noise reduction is needed before fault analysis. Particle filter is a filtering method based on Monte Carlo simulation and recursive Bayesian estimation. The discrete random measures composed of particles and their weights are used to approximate the real state posteriori distribution, and the discrete random measures are updated recursively according to the algorithm. It can deal with the problem that the model equation is nonlinear and the noise distribution is non-Gao Si distribution. Based on the research of particle filter theory, the noise reduction of gear box vibration acceleration signal is carried out by using particle filter technology in this paper. The ARMA model of the gear box vibration signal is established, and the corresponding state space model is transformed into the corresponding state space model. The problem of noise reduction is transformed into the filtering problem under the state space model. On the basis of the above theoretical analysis, this paper takes the gearbox as the experimental object, collects the vibration signal of the gearbox by installing the acceleration sensor on the selected measuring point, and then uses the particle filter technology to reduce the noise of the collected signal. Finally, a fault detection algorithm for nonlinear system based on particle filter state estimation is proposed, and the algorithm is applied to the gearbox. Some achievements have been made.
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