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发布时间:2018-10-18 11:18
【摘要】:高重合度齿轮传动由于重合度较大,提高了齿轮的承载能力,降低了传动的振动和噪声,因此广泛应用于航空和汽车传动中。而行星齿轮传动是最常用的传动形式,因此对高重合度行星齿轮传动系统参数设计及动力学的研究尤为重要。 首先研究了高重合度齿轮传动的实现方法,主要是通过减小压力角、增大齿顶高系数、增加齿数和改变变位系数等方法获得齿轮高重合度。分析了各设计参数的取值范围,得出了满足高重合度要求下各设计参数的分布图,为高重合度齿轮传动的参数设计提供参考。应用优化设计方法,建立体积最小,重合度最大的多目标模型,完成了高重合度齿轮副和行星齿轮传动系统的设计。 为了更好的研究高重合度行星齿轮传动的动态特性,本文同时对比研究了普通行星齿轮传动系统。应用集中质量法建立了考虑时变啮合刚度和综合啮合误差的动力学模型,推导了系统的动力学微分方程,利用数值积分方法进行了求解。计算了系统的固有频率,得出了高重合度行星齿轮系统的固有频率相对较大。对比两种传动系统的动态响应、动载和均载特性可得,高重合度行星齿轮传动系统各自由度的振动幅值较小,且其动载荷、动载系数和均载系数均小于普通行星齿轮传动系统,表明高重合度行星齿轮传动载荷分配更均匀,,传动更加平稳,噪声较小,传动性能更好。 研究了高重合度行星齿轮传动的重合度等系统参数对系统固有频率、动载系数与均载系数的影响。 以MATLAB软件为开发平台,开发了包括高重合度齿轮副及行星齿轮传动系统的优化设计软件和行星齿轮传动系统动力学分析软件。 对系统的均载特性进行了试验验证,试验结果与理论分析结果相吻合,证明本文对系统动力学理论分析所建立的模型及求解方法是合理的,试验测试方法是可行的。
[Abstract]:The high coincidence gear transmission is widely used in aeronautical and automotive transmission because of its high coincidence degree, which improves the bearing capacity of the gear and reduces the vibration and noise of the transmission. The planetary gear transmission is the most commonly used transmission form, so it is very important to study the parameter design and dynamics of the planetary gear transmission system with high coincidence degree. Firstly, the realization method of gear transmission with high coincidence degree is studied, which is obtained by reducing the pressure angle, increasing the coefficient of tooth top height, increasing the number of teeth and changing the modification coefficient, etc. The value range of each design parameter is analyzed and the distribution diagram of each design parameter under the requirement of high coincidence degree is obtained which provides a reference for the parameter design of gear transmission with high coincidence degree. By using the optimization design method, a multi-objective model with minimum volume and maximum coincidence is established, and the design of the gear pair and planetary gear transmission system with high coincidence degree is completed. In order to study the dynamic characteristics of high coincidence planetary gear transmission, the common planetary gear transmission system is studied in this paper. A dynamic model with time-varying meshing stiffness and comprehensive meshing error is established by means of lumped mass method. The dynamic differential equation of the system is derived and solved by numerical integral method. The natural frequency of the system is calculated and the relative natural frequency of the high coincidence planetary gear system is obtained. Compared with the dynamic response of the two transmission systems, the dynamic load and average load characteristics can be obtained. The vibration amplitude of each degree of freedom of the planetary gear transmission system with high coincidence degree is smaller, and its dynamic load, dynamic load coefficient and load average coefficient are smaller than those of the common planetary gear transmission system. The results show that the load distribution of high coincidence planetary gear transmission is more uniform, the transmission is more stable, the noise is less, and the transmission performance is better. The influence of the system parameters such as the coincidence degree of high coincidence planetary gear transmission on the natural frequency, dynamic load coefficient and load average coefficient of the system is studied. Based on MATLAB software, the optimization design software of high coincidence gear pair and planetary gear transmission system and the dynamic analysis software of planetary gear transmission system are developed. The experimental results are in agreement with the theoretical analysis results. It is proved that the model and solution method established in this paper are reasonable and the test method is feasible.


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